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Animal Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior

2 Kinesis versus Taxis

3 This plant exhibits THIGMOTAXIS
( Mimosa pudica )

4 Behavior - any action that can be observed and described.
     *Response to a stimulus (stimuli) Ethology - the scientific study of animal behavior

5 Why do behaviors exist? 44.1 Nature vs. Nurture: Genetic Influences Studies of animal behavior often focuses on what behaviors are genetically based and what is learned (Nature vs. Nurture) How much of who you are is in your genes, and how much of it is a result of your upbringing and environment? 

6 Serial Killer, Ted Bundy
Is a serial killer born that way?

7 Some human instincts….

8 44.2 Nature vs Nuture: Environmental InfluencesLearning - change in behavior as a result of experience Imprinting - bond that forms between adults and offspring

9 Classical Conditioning (Pavlov's Dogs) 

10 OPERANT CONDITIONING Involves "training" a behavior using a reward or punishment system. Skinner Box

11 The Skinner Box used to train rats

12 44.3 Adaptive Mating BehaviorSexual Selection - evolution, increases offspring success
Male competition - males will compete for access to females, leads to dominance hierarchies and territoriality 

13 Sexual Dimorphism

14 44.4 Sociobiology and Animal Behavior  Altruism vs Self Interest 

15 What is the advantage of being helpful?

16 44.5 Animal Communication Chemical (pheromones) Auditory Visual Tactile (touch) *Only humans have LANGUAGE

17 Chimpanzee vs Human

18 Chimp vs Human vs Dog

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