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Goodness of Fit The sum of squared deviations from the mean of a variable can be decomposed as follows: TSS = ESS + RSS This decomposition can be used.

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Presentation on theme: "Goodness of Fit The sum of squared deviations from the mean of a variable can be decomposed as follows: TSS = ESS + RSS This decomposition can be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goodness of Fit The sum of squared deviations from the mean of a variable can be decomposed as follows: TSS = ESS + RSS This decomposition can be used to define the R-squared or coefficient of determination for a regression equation.

2 Properties of R-squared
R-squared always lies in the range zero to one. If R-squared equals one then the regression is a perfect fit to the data (this almost always indicates that there is something wrong with it!). If R-squared is equal to zero then the regression has no explanatory power. In multivariate regressions the R-squared will always increase when we add an extra variable (even if that variable is completely irrelevant).

3 Testing if an equation has explanatory power
Suppose we wish to test: Under the null hypothesis we can show that: This is the F-statistic for a regression equation. We can compare the test statistic with a critical value from the F tables and reject the null if it exceeds this value.

4 Relationship between the F-statistic and R-squared
We can think of the F test as a test of: This relationship remains true when we consider multivariate regressions.

5 For a bivariate regression equation, there is also a relationship
between the F-test and the t-ratio for the slope coefficient. This relationship only holds for bivariate regression equations. Things become more complicated when we move to multivariate regressions.

6 Relationship between the R-squared and the standard error
of the regression A similar relationship will hold for the multivariate case but we will need to adjust for the loss of degrees of freedom when we introduce extra regressors.

7 Properties of the OLS residuals
The OLS residuals sum to zero: by virtue of the property that the OLS regression passes through the sample means of the data.

8 The OLS residuals are uncorrelated with the X variable. Note:

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