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November 29, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Review

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Presentation on theme: "November 29, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 November 29, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Review NOTES #20: What were the causes of World War I? NOTES-CHECK #s 16 – 20 ON THURSDAY

2 What were the causes of World War I? Notes #20

3 World War I (WWI) was a military conflict from 1914 to 1918 that involved some of the world’s most powerful nations.

4 The main causes of WWI were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism in Europe.

5 Policies of militarism caused European nations to expand their militaries and being more willing to use force.

6 Increased tensions caused European nations to form opposing alliances in order to protect each other.

7 Policies of imperialism caused European nations to compete for colonies and economic power.

8 Feelings of nationalism caused European nations to become more aggressive.

9 Before WWI, the Balkans were referred to as the “powder keg Europe” because of the nationalistic rivalries located there.

10 In 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist while visiting the Balkans. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip

11 This set off a chain reaction among alliances and the start of WWI.

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