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Embryology Image from:

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1 Embryology Image from:

2 Essential Question: How do we get to be?

3 I. Definition: = The branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms  Embryo (implantation to 8 weeks) Fetus (after 8 weeks) Image from:


5 Development Processes:
II. Early Embryonic Development Processes: A. Fertilization B. Implantation C. Gastrulation D. Cell differentiation Images from: ;

6 A. Fertilization: 1. =Egg and sperm come together to form a fertilized egg (called a … ) zygote Fertilization Human Zygote Click for Video Images from:

7 2. After fert., before implantation . . .
a. The zygote begins to divide i. First few mitotic cell divisions are called cleavage

8 MORULA 2. After fert., before implantation . . .
a. The zygote begins to divide i. First few mitotic cell divisions are called cleavage b. Soon a solid ball of cells is formed, called a .... MORULA A scanning electron micrograph of a human embryo at the eight-cell stage (day three). Image from:

9 Blastocyst 2. After fert., before implantation . . .
a. The zygote begins to divide i. First few mitotic cell divisions are called cleavage b. Soon a solid ball of cells is formed, called a .... morula c. Next, the morula will change into a fluid filled ball of cells, called a. . . Blastocyst in cross-section: Cells of inner cell mass will give rise to the gastrula, outer cells will become apart of the placenta and other membranes. Blastocyst Image from:

10 Embryo changes days 3 to 5

11 Morula(1) to Blastocyst(2)

12 B. Implantation: The blastocyst will attach to the uterine wall.
We call this attachment IMPLANATION Image from:

13 Implantation Embryo

14 Click to view a video on gastrulation in humans.
C. Gastrulation: 1. The process in which the cells of the blastocyst develop into three germ layers to form a gastrula Click to view a video on gastrulation in humans. Image/video from:

15 Gastrulation Images from:

16 C. Gastrulation (cont.) 2. The formation of 3 germ layers a. Endoderm
Inner-most layer (digestive tract) b. Mesoderm Middle layer (internal organs) c. Ectoderm Outer-most layer (skin and nervous system) Images from:

17 Do Now…… Have your FERP, sections 3 and 4 out to be checked

18 Zygote Morula Blastocyst Gastrula
Embryo Stages Zygote Morula Blastocyst Gastrula Checkpoint SUMMARY

19 D. Cell Differentiation
1. Once 3 germ cell layers formed in gastrula, then Cell differentiation (or giving cells specific jobs) begins a. 1st = neurulation i. Development of nervous system ii. Occurs soon after gastrulation is complete b. Organogenesis = organs start to form c. Morphogenesis = limbs start to assume shape

20 III. Extraembryonic Membranes
A. Membranes form to protect and nourish the developing embryo. 1 = amnion membrane forms the amniotic sac (fluid filled cushions embryo) Image from:

21 III. Extraembryonic Membranes (cont.)
2 = chorion forms outer most membrane. This combined with uterine lining form the organ called the placenta Image from:

22 The PLACENTA is a maternal-fetal organ which begins developing at implantation of the blastocyst
Exchanges nutrients, gases, and waste products Image from:


24 Birth—3 phases Intestine Placenta Umbilical cord Wall of uterus
Vagina Cervix Bladder






30 IV. Stem Cells = unspecialized cells that have the potential to differentiate

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