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The new Brownie Programme

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1 The new Brownie Programme
September 2018

2 The programme – what has changed?
The new programme represents the biggest ever overhaul of what girls do in Girlguiding. There will be a clear development journey through Girlguiding at all stages Offers a variety of activities and experiences and will give them opportunities to gain skills for life.

3 The programme – themes Our new programme will offer balanced and varied activities under 6 key themes Know myself Express myself Be well Have adventures Take action Skills for my future

4 The programme – themes I have put these 6 themes around the room. On a post-it note have a think about what might be covered under each and stick your post-it under the theme. You have 5 minutes to do this. Go through the responses

5 The programme – themes Know Myself Girls getting to know who they are,
and their role in Girlguiding and the wider world. Express Myself Girls getting to showcase and explore their creative side. Be Well Girls learning to look after themselves and others’ physical and mental wellbeing.

6 The programme – themes Have Adventures
Girls getting out and about to explore the outdoors and nature. Take Action Girls being empowered to make a difference and use their voice to help their local community and the wider world. Skills For My Future Providing the building blocks for girls to become independent and successful in life.

7 The programme – the parts?
To be completed in unit To be completed at home Skills builder * Develop core abilities for the modern world Examples include: Verbal and non verbal communication Edible architecture First aid Making a change Unit meeting activities * Wide range of activities to explore Sewing Personal safety and self-defence Survival skills Using tools Interest badges Designed to be completed Independently outside of the unit meeting to give your daughter the Chance to explore their own interests. Examples include: Collecting Aviation Charities Inventing Jobs Dancing

8 Our plan After discussing with the rest of the unit team, we are going to start working on the new programme from January This will give us the full opportunity to review all the information and ensure that we have the tools available to fully support your daughter.

9 Any questions?

10 Your turn … To get you and your daughter to really understand the new programme we thought it would be fun to organise 3 of the Unit meeting activities for you and your daughter to try out today. In a fix Strike a light Soapy solutions Have a go!!

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