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#/ (%)male applicant #/(%) female applicant

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1 #/ (%)male applicant #/(%) female applicant
Doctoral dissertation proposals FY (62%) (38%) FY (48%) (52%) FY (46%) (54%) FY (47%) (53%) Archaeometry proposals FY (85%) (15%) FY (80%) (20%) FY (60%) (40%) FY (60%) (40%) “Senior” archaeology proposals FY (70%) (30%) FY (63%) (37%) FY (65%) (35%) FY (60%) (40%) Archaeology Program – National Science Foundation

2 Success % male Success % female chi square
Doctoral dissertation proposals FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. Archaeometry proposals FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. “Senior” archaeology proposals FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s. FY % % n.s.

3 Is there a significant difference in the $ amounts male and female dissertation students request?
Male average $ request: $23,648 Female average $ request: $22,264 (NO - the difference is not significant) Is there a significant difference in the $ amounts male and female “senior” researchers request Male average $ request: $213,095 Female average $ request: $190,214 (NO - the difference is not significant) Is there a significant difference in “senior” “fieldwork” vs. “non-fieldwork applications by gender? Male fieldwork proposals: % of total male submissions Female fieldwork proposals: % of total female submissions (NO – the difference is not significant) (FY2013 data only)

4 Additional “senior” application insight (from FY13 data only)
“Solitary” research: is there a gender distinction? Male PI, co-PI either gender: 50% Female PI, co-PI either gender: 16% Difference is significant: chi square p=.0499 Females (by this measure at least) more “solitary” Does the gender of the PI predict the gender of the co-PI? For proposals with one male and one female PI and co-PI Male PI: % of co-PI’s are male 36% of co-PI’s are female Female PI: 44% of co-PI’s are male 56% of co-PI’s are female Difference is not significant Males and females do not act differently in co-PI selection (?) Who comes first? Male is PI: (8) 62% Female is PI: (5) 38% No gender dominance Additional “senior” application insight (from FY13 data only)

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