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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE GUST 1270."— Presentation transcript:


2 Etiquette defined: Etiquette is a code of behavior that influences expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.

3 Scenario # 1 You are already five minutes late for class and a class lecture is already in session: You try to sneak into class, but you slam the door behind you. You quietly enter and go to the back of the class and find a seat. You enter class quietly, but walk in front of the speaker to get to your seat.

4 Scenario # 2 You missed class and you want to ask your professor what was missed… You say “ Did we do anything last week?” “ Do you count attendance in my grade?” “ I know I missed class, but I have already asked a classmate and gotten my assignment and notes! Is there anything else I should know?”

5 Welcome to Classroom Etiquette!

6 Do be present in Body and Mind!

7 Do arrive on time!

8 Do stay for the whole class!

9 Do be prepared for class!

10 Do practice common courtesy!

11 Texting should not be going on in class!
Do put cell phones away and on vibrate… Texting should not be going on in class!

12 Do stay AWAKE and be attentive!

13 Do show effort, try your best,
ask for help!

14 Did you know? * Your professors spend hours weekly preparing for your class * Your professor teaches at least 4 or 5 other classes * Your professor thinks, plans, and creates lessons to help you learn * Your professor wants you to learn and cares about you and your education


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