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PCG meeting 10 March 2014 CSA Oceans project Work package 5 update March 2014 Science/policy interface Tom Redd, Jacky Wood (CSA Oceans, National.

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1 PCG meeting 10 March 2014 CSA Oceans project Work package 5 update March 2014 Science/policy interface Tom Redd, Jacky Wood (CSA Oceans, National Oceanography Centre) Wendy Bonne (JPI Oceans Secretariat) David Mills, Jo Foden (CSA Oceans, CEFAS)

2 Sources for Deliverable 5
Sources for Deliverable 5.1 Mapping and preliminary analysis of policy needs for evidence Workshops (W) and questionnaires (Q) 1. Member states national funding agencies (Q) 2. Stakeholders (W+Q) 3. Web based (Q) Desk based research Own experiences Wider engagement

3 5.1 Mapping and Preliminary analysis of policy needs for evidence: structure
Context + Methodology sources Key policies to JPI Oceans (IMP, MSFD, WFD, CFP, ICZM) some of these (MSFD, WFD, CFP) explained from the viewpoint of opportunities for scientific input = 1st small implementation step of “integrated education of scientific community on policy framework” Science to policy cycle and commentary on specific aspects (like examples of communication on uncertainty) Stakeholder inputs (sorted material)

4 Outcomes to date SPI (feeding into the SRIA = Strategic Research and Innovation agenda)
Stakeholders endorse need for more effective marine and maritime science-policy interfaces at a European level at all stages: Improving information exchange between science and policy makers, of existing and new knowledge, including knowledge translation and education around the respective needs of research and policy communities; Facilitating interactions between them through informed science commissioning and evidence collection, enhancing the engagement of scientists in the policy development and implementation processes;

5 Outcomes to date SPI (feeding into the SRIA = Strategic Research and Innovation agenda)
Building capacity to ensure that the next generation of scientists and policy makers understand each other in order to facilitate co-design of scientifically based policy. Stakeholders agree JPI Oceans has a role to play: 1 example: Co-design of projects (cfr. developing pilot action on intercalibration) Though valid attempts have been made, it is clear that a one size fits all approach to science-policy mechanisms across the diverse interests of the marine and maritime communities will not work

6 Outcomes to date (feeding into the SRIA = Strategic Research and Innovation agenda)
Different spatial layers and different roles in SPI Call for more streamlining and info sharing – especially connecting (more detailed) national to regional dimension across sea basins Need for analysis of how information is synthesised and transported across interfaces Scope for new tools/visualisation Specific scientific knowledge gaps for policy identified Calls for a ‘European monitoring strategy’

7 Reality check Lack of info in the questionnaire responses
only covers part of the landscape and perceptions Filling in the gaps – maritime, ‘UK bias due to work package consortium composition’. Need to coordinate with other deliverables and projects (e.g. STAGES and SPIRAL) Wider issues - stakeholder engagement

8 Scoping deliverable 5.2 Needs and gaps analysis of evidence and mechanisms for improving science/ policy interfaces Outline Feb. 2014 Example case studies (working of IPCC, ICES etc.) Science/policy – gap analysis New Science/Policy ideas Role for JPI Oceans – recommendations to inform the SRIA in more structured detail

9 THANK YOU Scientific Adviser Marine Policy Wendy Bonne Website: Address: Rue du Trône 130 1050 Brussels, Belgium

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