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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Environment and Sustainability Concept paper for a Science-Policy Interface (SPI) to support MSFD Implementation    Niall McDonough Executive Secretary, European Marine Board Project Coordination Group Meeting Brussels, 10 March 2014

2 Aim and key partners Aim: To present options and ways forward for a future Science Policy Interface (SPI) to support MSFD implementation Key partners: STAGES: FP7 CSA project ( Key objective is to develop a proposal for a European MSFD Science Policy Platform (WP4 led by European Marine Board) JRC: To host the Marine Competence Centre for Good Environmental Status (MCC4GES) EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Institute for Environment and Sustainability

3 MSFD SPI Architecture: 4 key components

4 MSFD SPI Architecture: 4 key components
1. Harnessing MSFD-relevant Knowledge STAGES Knowledge Gate model (EurOcean) New capacity at Regional Sea-National levels? 2. Scientific Advice to inform MSFD policy MCC4GES (JRC + ICES) flexible expert networks 3. Expert Evaluation and Synthesis, including identification of scientific knowledge gaps and research needs -New capacity for syntheses of MSFD-relevant knowledge? 4. Knowledge Brokerage in 3 key areas: -Communication/knowledge transfer -Science-Policy interface -Harnessing knowledge through marine networks

5 STAGES: Next steps A key objective of STAGES is to:
Provide pragmatic and ready-to-use recommendations to establish an effective European science-policy platform to support GES achievement and implementation of the MSFD. STAGES Work Package 4 (EMB lead) has conducted an extensive Stakeholder Consultation to seek views and expectations for a MSFD SPI. This, together with SPI Best Practice will inform a Proposal for a MSFD SPI based on Best Practice and Stakeholder Consultation (June 2014)


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