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Title of Presentation in Initial Capitals: 36 Points, Boldface

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1 Title of Presentation in Initial Capitals: 36 Points, Boldface
Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Name Department Institution Date This slide template is for the title slide of a presentation. Consider inserting a key image that orients the audience to the topic. The image should help explain the key words in the title. This image also gives you the opportunity to say a few things about your work—perhaps addressing the work’s importance or providing key background information. Forcing yourself to spend more time with this slide is good because a common mistake in presentations is not to leave the title slide on long enough. Because of this mistake, many in the audience do not have the chance to comprehend the key details of the title. See pages 66, 69-71, and 177 of The Craft of Scientific Presentations (CSP). This template shows one layout for the slide. You might want to rearrange the placement of the body’s wording to accommodate a different sized image. Replace with your Logo

2 Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events in Polar Regions during Arctic Spring
Katrine Aspmo Torunn Berg Norwegian Institute for Air Research Grethe Wibetoe University of Oslo, Dept. of Chemistry 16 June 2004 Sample Sample title slide. Note that the presenter took this photograph—that is why no credit is listed. Reference: Katrina Aspmo, Torunn Berg, and Grethe Wibetoe, “Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Events (AMDEs) in Polar Regions During Arctic Spring,” presentation (Oslo, Norway: University of Oslo, 16 June 2004).

3 Sample Implementing Flexible Display Technology Cho Jun Hwy
Lee Min Jae Byun Hyung Gyu Lee Yeong Jae Seoul National University Sample Sample title slide from earlier semester.

4 The headline should state the main message of the slide in one or two lines: 28 points, boldface
Photograph, drawing, diagram, or graph supporting the headline assertion This file presents a template for making a new design for slides in a technical presentation. Please see the Korean version on the next slide. This design is found in The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer, 2003) and from the first listing for “presentation slides”: To follow this design, make sure that you create the slide within this PowerPoint file. On one of the blank slides, you should first write a sentence headline that states the main message of the slide. In the body of the slide, you should support that message with photographs, drawings, diagrams, films or graphs. Do not use bulleted lists. This slide shows one arrangment for the image and supporting text. Other arrangements exist, as shown in the sample slides that follow. Call-out, if needed: no more than two lines

5 표제(headline)는 주장을 드러내는 한 문장이어야 하며, 두 줄을 넘지 말아야 합니다.
표제의 주장을 뒷받침하는 시각자료: 사진, 그림, 도표 혹은 그래프 Korean translation of last slide. Translation by Jong Hun Chung, a Penn State student in Education. 필요시 시각자료에 따로 메모 삽입: 단, 두줄을 넘지 마십시요.

6 Fragments quickly outpace the blast wave and become the primary hazard to personnel
Sample Sample slide from second section of the presentation’s middle. The image was such that there was no need for subordinate descriptions. Reference: Jared Rochester, “Three Primary Products of an Explosive,” presentation (Aberdeen, MD: US Army Research Laboratory, 5 December 2005).

7 Xenon headlights illuminate signs better than halogen headlights do
SilverStar Ultra TM Standard Halogen Xenon Halogen Headlight Sample Example slide with white background. This example slide was created by Scott Fishbone, a mechanical engineering student at Penn State. The slide occurred in the middle slide of a presentation to engineering managers at an automobile company. Notice that the headline is the main message of this slide. The photographs below support that image. Notice that there are no bulleted lists, which add noise to slides. Xenon Headlight [Sylvania, 2008 ] 7

8 Early detection methods can identify small tumors and therefore improve survival rates of patients
Sample This slide was created by Lauren Sawarynski, who earned her B.S. in Bioengineering at Penn State in 2010 and is now in the Physician Assistant Program at Yale Medical School. Reference for data: J.K. Lai, M.A. Martin, R. Meyricke, T. O’neill, and S. Roberts (2007, February). Factors associated with short-term hospital readmission rates for breast cancer patients in Western Australia: an observational study. J Am Coll Surg. 204 (2): [Lai et al., 2007] 8 8

9 Use this slide to create a new slide.

10 Use this slide to create a new slide.

11 Use this slide to create a new slide.

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