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Welcome to English 10 With Ms. J. Poirier.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English 10 With Ms. J. Poirier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to English 10 With Ms. J. Poirier

2 Your past is just a story. And once you realize this,
it has no power over you. ~ Chuck Palahniuk Author of Fight Club

3 Do significant life events shape who you are?
Writing Prompt Do significant life events shape who you are?

4 Lifeline Assignment Part 1: Written Looking at your life so far, select 5 significant events to write about in your composition. Considerations: events, experiences, memories, milestones, accomplishments, shocking pieces of news, or anything else that stands out in your memory. (These can be good or bad events).

5 Lifeline Assignment Part 2: Visual Translate these events into representative symbols in a visual timeline. Considerations: visual memories, significant objects, feelings or emotions you had during the event.

6 Symbolism symbol (sim-bol): a symbol is a word or object that stands for another word or object. The object or word can be seen with the eye or not visible. For example a dove stands for Peace. The dove can be seen and peace cannot.

7 Cliché Cliché (cli·ché) / noun: a phrase or expression that has been used so often that it is no longer original or interesting.

8 What do you see? What types of events could this lifeline represent? Why? How did this person feel during these events? Why? What types of marks, lines, shapes, colours are used? Why? How are the symbols visually connected over time? What could this mean?

9 What could we draw for each?
HAPPINESS ANGER SADNESS CONFUSION Line (types of lines that express these feelings) Colour (consider the actual colour and how dark or light it is) Objects should be unique to your event: avoid clichés (we don’t want to use these as they are not unique like YOU!)

10 Do significant life events shape who you are?
Criteria Technical Writing Minimum 1 page Organization Transitions Spelling/Grammar Content 5 significant events are discussed events are symbolized with visual timeline Literary Devices Symbolism; Cliché: understanding of the concepts are demonstrated Prompt Written response answers the question posed: Do significant life events shape who you are?

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