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Joint /15 Publicity Committee Closing Report

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1 Joint 802.11/15 Publicity Committee Closing Report
November 2004 doc.: IEEE /1481r0 Joint /15 Publicity Committee Closing Report Al Petrick Al Petrick, IceFyre Al Petrick, IceFyre

2 PC Agenda Al Petrick, IceFyre

3 Summary Call for PC Chair: - Nanci Vogtli
“Calendar of Events” for tracking /WiFi/WiMedia/Zibee and other industry conferences – Gregg Rasor WiFi update: Doc: 802.11/15 website Task Group Summary updates Press releases: working a draft for j for Excom/IEEE approval this session. Doc: Discussion on companies releasing PR on Pre-standard devices. Submission on PR guidelines Doc: Al Petrick, IceFyre

4 Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials to one evening meeting on Monday. Al Petrick, IceFyre

5 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials of interest to to one evening meeting on Monday. Noting that will keep that evening slot open. YES: NO: 47 That the IEEE 802 remove the 802 Plenary session “social event” on Wednesday evening. Al Petrick, IceFyre

6 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 remove the 802 Plenary session “social event” on Wednesday evening. YES: NO: 92 Al Petrick, IceFyre

7 WG Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 create a Thursday evening Tutorial meeting in lieu of a Monday or Tuesday evening event. YES: NO: 25 Al Petrick, IceFyre

8 Strawpoll That the IEEE 802 limit the Tutorials to one evening meeting on Monday. Al Petrick, IceFyre

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