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Economic Reasoning Review

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1 Economic Reasoning Review
Unit 8

2 #1 Adam Smith wrote what book looking at economies and why some countries are successful and others live in poverty?

3 “Wealth of Nations”

4 #2 Adam has narrowed his college selection down to 5 schools. He will rank them 1-5 in the order he will decide where to attend. What is Adam’s Opportunity Cost University of Kentucky 4 University of Louisville 1 Notre Dame North Carolina Indiana

5 Notre Dame

6 #3 What are the three individual resources?

7 #3 Time, money, and skill

8 #4 Who is the father of Communism and wrote the “Communist Manifesto”?

9 #4 Karl marx

10 #5 What type of economic system is shaped largely by customs or religion?

11 #5 Traditional Economy

12 #6 The tools, machine, and buildings used to produce goods and services is the definition of?

13 #6 Capital

14 #7 What is a physical articles that have been produced for sale or use?

15 #7 Good

16 #8 Studying an economy as a whole is what type of economics?

17 #8 Macroeconomics

18 #9 What are the three economic questions we ask when looking at an economy?

19 #9 What goods and services will be produced?
How will they be produced? For whom will they be produced?

20 #10 What are two gains the a economy gets from specialization and division of labor?

21 #10 More efficient and productive Higher standard of living

22 #11 ______ is something you have to give up to receive a good or service. ________ is what you gain from that experience, good, service, etc

23 #11 Cost Benefit

24 #12 What is work done by someone else for which a consumer, business, or government is willing to pay for?

25 #12 Service

26 #13 What are the four resources of a country

27 #13 Natural Resources, Labor Force, Technology, Capital

28 #14 What is Economics?

29 #14 The study of how people choose to use their limited resources to fulfill their unlimited wants and needs

30 #15 What type of economy is based on freedom of choice and competition?

31 #15 Market Econony

32 #16 What do we call making a decision based on the best possible combination of costs and benefits?

33 #16 Economizing

34 #17 What type of economy is based on centralized planning and government controlled econony?

35 #17 Command

36 #18 _______ is when we look a the quality of life in a country

37 #18 Standard of Living

38 #19 When there is a lack of a resources or a resource that has more than one valuable use that resource is __________

39 #19 Scarcity

40 #20 Give one example for a current country that is a command economy
Give one example for a current country that is a market economy

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