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Presentation on theme: "Medieval FARMING IN SCOTLAND"— Presentation transcript:

My talk is about Farming in Medieval Scotland. I chose this topic because I found it interesting to learn about in class, and I like watching Countryfile on tv! By Eilish

When were The Medieval Times? From 5th century To 12th century Also known as ‘The Middle Ages’ So, when were the Medieval Times? They started from about the 5th century up to the 12th Century. They are sometimes also known as The Middle Ages. This is a very old map of Scotland.

3 Farming IN Medieval SCOTLAND
There are 3 main steps when farming crops: Ploughing - turning over the soil to get it ready. Sowing - the seeds are scattered, then covered with soil and watered. They are then left to grow. Harvesting - Cutting the crops when they are ready. These jobs were done mainly by hand by Peasants and Animals.

4 Ploughing Ploughing is needed to make sure the soil is ready for the seeds. The Plough had wheels so it could be pulled along by Oxen. It had a wooden bit on the back which would go into the soil to turn it over - the Farmer would direct it in rows ready for the seeds.

5 sowing The seeds were sown by hand, then covered over using a Harrow.
The seeds needed to be covered over so that the birds couldn’t just eat them! A harrow was pulled along by a horse or Oxen.

6 HARvesting The crops were cut by hand using a sickle or a scythe.
A sickle is a curved knife with a handle, a scythe is a straight knife with a curved handle.

7 The Peasants are growing crops for food to eat
The Peasants are growing crops for food to eat. We can see someone ploughing the field, someone else is sowing the seed by hand and the horse is pulling a harrow to cover the seeds. Further back you can see other peasants harvesting using a scythe and a sickle. Right at the back you can see a castle - this would be where the rich King or Laird would live - not the peasants!

8 How has farming changed?
Medieval Farming - needed lots of people and animals. It was hard work and very tiring! Modern Farmers use machinery to do most of the work. This is quicker and they can have much bigger farms.

9 Modern farming Farmers today use tractors to plough the fields and sow the seeds. The plough has got lots of blades in the soil to turn it. When they sow the seed, the seeds are stored in the big red bucket and will slowly be dropped down onto the soil , in rows. Then the spikes at the back will cover the seeds over.

10 Modern farming Combine Harvesters are used to harvest the crops.
Combine Harvesters are used to cut the crops and sort the good parts from the bad.

11 Questions? Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?

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