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Teacher Specialist Subject Training

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1 Teacher Specialist Subject Training
TSST Day 5: ICT Advanced PowerPoint These are the session leader slides and are to be used in conjunction with the PPT guide, which all participants will have a paper copy of.


3 1 2 3 4 5 6


5 1 2 3 4 5 6


7 Task 1 Make a sequence of introduction slides for places in the town, using the images from Viva 1.


9 2 Triggers What is the point of triggers?
1. More flexibility in the way you respond to students’ contributions 2. Better differentiation 3. Used in many games – interest and enjoyment and effective learning

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 45 72 38 29 90 56

11 Task 2 Use the ideas from the booklet, and any files from the session folder, to make a trigger-based task, game or other activity.

12 3 Inserting audio and video
Why do we want to do this? 1. Better transitions 2. More secure (i.e. lesson not scuppered if the internet goes down. 3. Encourages inclusion of a variety of audio and video material 4. More authentic / cultural content in lessons

13 https://www. audio-lingua. eu/

14 https://www. audio-lingua. eu/


16 Task 3 Practise inserting audio and video, using the resources from the session folder. (NB: YouTube is blocked on school computers, which is why I have already downloaded some audio and video for you!)


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