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The Early Cold War: 1950-1970.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Cold War: 1950-1970."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Cold War:

2 - Communist Leader in North - Democratic leader in South
I.) Korea Pre-WWII: Japan controlled Korean Peninsula Post-WWII: Korea divided: - Soviets occupy North - U.S. occupy South Kim Il-Sung - Communist Leader in North Syngman Rhee - Democratic leader in South Problem: both claim to be ruler of all of Korea!

3 Outcome: The Korean War
June 25th, 1950 North invades the South Result: United Nations get involved Issue a: “Police Action” ( ) Purpose: “Domino Theory: if one nations falls to communism, then others will follow!”

4 Timeline of the Korean War

5 II.) Premier Nikita Khrushchev
Replaces Stalin after death in 1953 Destalinization Policy Economic Reform Thaw Cold War relations until 1960 About the capitalist states, it doesn't depend on you whether we (Soviet Union) exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it our not, history is on our side. We will bury you

6 III.) The Hungarian Uprising (1956)
Imre Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister Soviets promised free elections. Seen as a way to end communist rule in Hungary. Soviets do not hold their promise Outcome: Soviets send in tanks & troops to crush the uprising!

7 Outcome………… IV.) Sputnik I (1957)
The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge! Outcome…………

8 Americans race to beat the Soviets
The Space Race Begins! Americans race to beat the Soviets in Outer Space!

9 V.) Paris Meeting, 1961 Purpose: To discuss Berlin and nuclear
proliferation. Result: Khrushchev thinks that JFK is young, inexperienced, and can be pushed around. So…………………………

10 The Berlin Wall (1961) Goal: Prevent people from leaving Soviet controlled East Germany Outcome: Soviets build wall between east and west Berlin


12 VI.) Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
Purpose: Overthrow Communist leader Fidel Castro in Cuba Outcome: U.S. assists Cubans but it fails miserably!!!

13 Castro and Khruschev form
an alliance(1961) Leads to…………

14 VII.) Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Outcome: Soviets place Nuclear weapons on Cuba

15 Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
U.S. blockade Cuba to prevent Soviets from placing more Nuclear weapons on Cuba……………

16 Outcome: Soviets remove nuclear weapons from Cuba
“We went eyeball-to-eyeball with the Russians, and the other man blinked!” - Dean Rusk, Secretary of State Outcome: Soviets remove nuclear weapons from Cuba

17 “Prague Spring” (1968) Dubcek promises civil liberties and democratic political reforms in Czechoslovakia Czech President Alexander Dubcek Outcome: Soviets intervene to stop reforms and replace Dubcek as president

18 - N. Vietnam’s Communist Leader
VIII.) Vietnam War: Purpose: U.S. attempt to “contain” the spread of communism Ho Chi Minh - N. Vietnam’s Communist Leader Outcome: Treaty ends war but soon after North invades and conquers South Vietnam Vietnam falls to Communism in the end!

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