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Information at the Turn of the Century

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1 Information at the Turn of the Century
Yellow Journalism and Mass Media

2 The Media Media becomes a very powerful entity in Early twentieth century America Radios become more readily available Newsprint allows newspapers to be rapidly and cheaply printed Newspaper companies grow and become more influential Most of the news available to a majority of Americans is distributed to them by radios or newspapers

3 Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism - A type of sensational or outlandish reporting that has very little basis in research, or even fact A very common practice before and during World War I The Yellow Kid Cartoon

4 Pulitzer vs. Hearst Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were the heads of the two largest newspapers in the New York City area Pulitzer: New York World Hearst: New York Journal Each publisher was competing for readers and subscribers More readers and subscribers meant more money from purchases and advertisement

5 Hearst vs. Pulitzer His paper stinks! My paper is better!
William R. Hearst Joseph Pulitzer

6 Hearst vs. Pulitzer Each man tried to outdo the other by including the most sensational and scandalous stories and photographs The more lurid a photo or story, the more interest their was in reading it Scandal and outrage was the best way to sell papers Hearst and Pulitzer employed muckrakers, or investigative journalists, to investigate people and government to uncover and publish scandals and sensational stories

7 Political Cartoons These are drawings that usually contains some sort of political or social opinion May include caricatures of famous people May have government agencies or foreign countries personified as characters Most cartoons contain the singular opinion of their creator The messages of cartoons can be sarcastic and polarizing, and often are meant to draw a particular response Often contain stereotypes and bias

8 Modern Cartoons Kill Obamacare – A cartoon about Republican attempts to repeal the healthcare legislation This cartoon is about Sarah Palin’s popularity being affected by the assassination attempt on Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords



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