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Make an OEQ in your notebook, and leave lots of space for questions!

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Presentation on theme: "Make an OEQ in your notebook, and leave lots of space for questions!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make an OEQ in your notebook, and leave lots of space for questions!
I Fly Ballet video

2 Everything on Earth falls at the same rate of acceleration regardless of Mass
Prove me wrong! Can you come up with times things don’t fall at the same rate of acceleration?

3 Galileo discovered that heavy objects fall at the same rate of acceleration as light objects!
Mass doesn’t matter! They hit the ground at the same time!

4 What is a vacuum? A VACUUM is a space where almost all the atoms have been removed!

5 What did you see? Why did this happen?
Bowling Ball Feather Video

6 What is Friction? Talk to the person next to you.

7 In your notebook, title a page “Friction investigation”
Include a section for Observations Include a section for Rules for Friction Include a section for Class results

8 Play with the Friction box and use the spring scales to construct rules that describe:
How does Friction work? What causes Friction? What is the effect of friction on force required to change motion?

9 Graffiti Splash: Write the rules you have constructed on the board
Each group use a different color Be prepared to back up your rule with evidence!

10 Friction Notes


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