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Karyotypes and Pedigrees

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1 Karyotypes and Pedigrees

2 Chromosomes Somatic cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Autosomes
chromosome pairs # 1-22 contain genes that are NOT related to gender Sex chromosomes Pair # 23 X and Y Determine gender in mammals

3 Karyotype Map of all 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Used to identify chromosomal abnormalities. Extra or missing chromosomes Deletion or duplication of a segment of a chromosome.

4 Nondisjunction Occurs when chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis. Result is gametes with too many or too few chromosomes.

5 Result of Nondisjunction
Monosomy- missing a chromosome (1). Karyotype will have 1 chromosome instead of 2. Trisomy- one extra chromosome (3). Karyotype will have 3 chromosomes instead of 2.

6 Pedigree Chart used for tracing phenotypes in a family.
Phenotypes are used to infer genotypes. ? ? ? ? ? ?

7 Reading Pedigrees = male = female
If shaded in, individual has the trait. If half shaded, individual is a carrier (has the gene but not the trait). Carrier has the gene but does not have the physical trait. Cannot be a carrier of a dominant trait! A white shape (not shaded) indicates the individual does not have the gene.

8 Practice reading the pedigree below
? ? ? ? ? ?

9 Pedigrees and Chromosomes
If trait occurs equally in males and females, it is probably on an autosome. If trait is far more common in males, it is probably on a sex chromosome.


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