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Hidden Markov Model LR Rabiner

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Presentation on theme: "Hidden Markov Model LR Rabiner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hidden Markov Model LR Rabiner
(Thu) Computational Models of Intelligence Joon Shik Kim

2 Discrete Markov Process

3 Variables S: state (rain, cloudy, sunny) O: observation (umbrella)
How to infer the weather sequences based on only the observations?

4 Three Basic Problems for HMM
Problem 1: Given the observation sequence O and model , how do we efficiently compute , the probability of the observation sequence, given the model? Problem 2: Given the observation sequence O and the model , how do we choose a corresponding state sequence Q which is optimal in some meaningful sense (i.e., best “explains” the observations)?

5 Three Basic Problems for HMM
Problem 3: How do we adjust the model parameters to maximize ?

6 Solution to Problem 1 Forward-Backward Procedure

7 Solution to Problem 2 Viterbi algorithm

8 Solution to Problem 3 Baum-Welch method
EM (expectation-modification) method

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