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Thoracic Mink Vessels.

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Presentation on theme: "Thoracic Mink Vessels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thoracic Mink Vessels

2 Int. Jugular V with Carotid A attached L Ext. Jugular V Superior Vena Cava Mammary V Brachiocephalic Trunk R Ext. Jugular V

3 Subclavian/Axillary V
Carotid and Int. Jugular together

4 L. Subclavian A Brachiocephalic A

5 Mammary V Azygous V Vertebral V

6 L Subclavian A Descending Thoraic Aorta Brachiocephalic A Aortic Arch

7 Descending Thoracic Aorta

8 Ext. Jugular V Int. Jugular V Carotid A Ccombined Carotid A, Int. Jugular, and Vagus Nerve

9 Mammary A Axillary A Mammary V Transversescapular A

10 Start of Brachial A and V
Subscapular A

11 L Subscapular A Transversescapular V L Brachial V L Ext. Jugular V

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