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Informational Text Structures

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1 Informational Text Structures

2 Why? Informational text can generally be split into one of FIVE categories. Let’s take a look at each one and its purpose. Image: Public Domain (source:

3 Cause and Effect Used to show why things happen
The “cause” makes the “effect” happen. No cause, no effect! Can also include Problem and Solution (no problem, no solution!) Example: The New Deal (effect) was a direct response to the problems of the Great Depression (cause).

4 Description Used to simply give information about a particular topic
Often provides lots of facts about a person, place, thing, or idea Just the facts! Example: an informational book on frogs that gives facts about their lives, diets, habitats, etc.

5 Chronological Used to show events happening over time
This kind of text usually uses a timeline to display order Example: Most biographies are presented in chronological order

6 Sequence Used to show things in order by steps
Often confused with chronological structure Often contains: first, second, next, then, finally, etc. Examples: recipes, directions, science experiments

7 Compare and Contrast Used to show similarities (compare) and differences (contrast) among various topics Uses descriptions of each to show comparisons Often contain a T-Chart to illustrate differences Example: books discussing different kinds of the same type of animal (Snakes- Constrictors versus Venomous)

8 But, what if my text uses more than one structure???
Relax! Many informational texts will use some part of several of these text structures. Some will switch amongst them from chapter to chapter.

9 Congratulations! Now you are ready to identify informational text structures. Next? Creating your own….

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