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Classifying Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Classifying Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classifying Matter

2 Learning goals We are learning to classify matter.

3 Classifying matter all matter is made up of different types or combinations of particles. these particles give every type of matter particular characteristics, or properties. a property is a characteristic that describes a substance. classified as pure substances or mixtures depends how particles are arranged.

4 Classification of Matter
PURE SUBSTANCES MIXTURES Can combine to form ELEMENTS i.e: H, O, C COMPOUNDS i.e: H2O, NaCl SOLUTIONS i.e: H2O + salt MECHNICAL MIXTURES i.e: H2O + raisins SUSPENSION i.e: salad dressing

5 1. Pure substances made up of only one kind of matter
has unique set of properties (colour, hardness, boiling point, and melting point) either an element or a compound

6 element a pure substance that cannot be broken down into any simpler substance by chemical means

7 compound a pure substance made from two or more elements combined chemically

8 2. mixtures a combination of pure substances
the substances in a mixture do not combine chemically each substance remains in its original, pure form

9 Mechanical mixture the different substances that make up the mixture are visible often called heterogeneous

10 suspension a cloudy mixture in which tiny particles of one substance are held within another a type of heterogeneous mixture

11 solution the different substances that make it up are not individually visible one substance is dissolved in another, creating a homogeneous mixture

12 Learning goals We are learning to classify matter.

13 Please complete How is a compound different from an element? Give an example of each. What is the difference between a mixture and a pure substance? How is a suspension different from a solution? Classify each of the following as either a pure substance or a mixture. (a) Pop is composed of water, sugar, and carbon dioxide. (b) Carbon dioxide is composed of carbon and oxygen chemically combined. (c) Sand is composed of white grains and black grains. (d) The graphite at the centre of a pencil is composed of carbon.

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