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“To varying degrees, we all wear masks

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1 Post-Assembly Discussion Questions – You Don’t Know Me Until You Know Me
“To varying degrees, we all wear masks. We are conditioned to hide our true selves, out of fear of being rejected and/or judged. We are taught to devalue or ignore our pain, as if its utility is better served hidden than exposed.” – Dr. Mykee Fowlin

2 Powerful Stuff ! This is a very powerful and moving assembly….. Please take some time to discuss the assembly and Dr. Fowlin’s central message(s) at this time. Here are some guiding questions….. But let the discussion take you and your homeroom where you need to go…. These questions are only meant to serve as a guide for facilitating discussion. We hope Dr. Fowlin’s messages have touched you, and you will continue to keep his messages alive all year in our school and community. Remember…………. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL !!!

3 Guiding Discussion Questions
Which character(s) had the most impact on you? Why? Which character(s) were most unsettling to you? Why? What messages have you received from your family or friends about race? Religion? Gender issues? Sexual orientation? Talk about a time in your life when you felt different. The time does not have to be limited to race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender.

4 (More) Guiding Discussion Questions
Using the concepts of mirrors and windows, what character(s) provided you with a mirror reflection of feelings you’ve experienced? What character(s) provided you with a window to see into someone else’s feelings and experiences that are different from your own? Reflecting upon the performance, what is one small thing that YOU can do to improve the way you treat those who are different than you?

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