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Welcome Families! Please find your child’s seat!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Families! Please find your child’s seat!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Families! Please find your child’s seat!
Please make sure you fill out all of the forms on your child’s desk: How I View My Child 2. Volunteer Form 3. Write a letter for your child to read tomorrow morning  Thank you! Miss White

2 Miss White’s 2nd Grade

3 Who is Miss White? 2nd Year of Teaching!! Grew up in Loudoun County
Loudoun Valley graduate Undergraduate degree from George Mason. Graduated in 2014 Master’s in Elementary Ed. 2nd Year of Teaching!! Currently lives in Hamilton

4 My Contact Info Phone: (540)

5 Arrival/Dismissal Arrival: Dismissal:
School opens at 7:30 and students should report straight to their classroom. Late bell (Tardy Slip). Dismissal: Students are dismissed at 2:25. If you have any changes in dismissal routine, there must be a written notice. Early Dismissal: Check-in with office, have ID ready!

6 Communication Email Newsletters School Phone Orange Folder
Bloomz Webpage/App Fall Conference Agenda

7 Grades in 2nd grade look just like they did in 1st grade:
Grading Grades in 2nd grade look just like they did in 1st grade: E (4)-Exceeds (goes above and beyond grade level expectations) M (3)- Meets (meets grade level expectations) P (2)- Progressing (making progress towards meeting grade level expectations) B (1)- Below (below grade level expectations)

8 A Typical Day Student Arrival/Morning Announcements Morning Meeting
Writer’s Block (Word Study, Writing, Handwriting) Reading Workshop Shared Reading & Read Aloud Recess Lunch Math Content (Social Studies/Science) Specials

9 Balanced Literacy Approach:
Reading Balanced Literacy Approach: Reading Workshop (Minilesson, Independent Reading, Small Group Instruction, Guided Reading) Shared Reading Read Aloud

10 Math Guided Math Approach: Concepts:
(Whole group lesson, small group instruction, independent centers, technology integration.) Concepts: Number Sense (Ordinal Numbers, Skip Counting, Even/Odd) Addition/Subtraction Geometry Time (to the 5 minutes/AM&PM) Patterns & Functions Graphing Measurement Money Probability/Statistics Problem Solving

11 Snack/Lunch Please send in a small, simple snack each day, IF NEEDED. Please be sure to send snacks that are easy to manage and quick to eat. Students may keep water bottles on their desk, but should not have juice or other beverages. Students may pack or buy lunch in the cafeteria. If you plan on having your child purchase a lunch often, please send in a check in the orange folder and it will be delivered to the cafeteria in the morning. Prepaying will make things much easier for the students and they won’t be worried about losing lunch money. Checks for lunch should be made payable to the County of Loudoun.

12 Homework Nightly Reading Read 15-20 minutes. Word Study
I will still send home suggested activities to do with your child for Word Study practice.

13 Homework

14 Behavior Management Bear Pride Tickets 7 Habits Mystery Walker
“Flipping” for Good Behavior

15 Extras Scholastic Book Orders Conferences Volunteers Wish List
Sign Up Genius Volunteers Wish List Join PTO!

16 Before You Leave! Write a letter back to your child and leave on his/her desk If you’re interested, sign your child up for Challenge Math! Leave all completed paperwork on desk! Here’s to a GREAT year!! Thank you for coming!

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