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“Flipping MOOC” David Tanner, School of Engineering 25th June 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "“Flipping MOOC” David Tanner, School of Engineering 25th June 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Flipping MOOC” David Tanner, School of Engineering 25th June 2018

2 The Module: Approximately 140, first year engineering students (Mechanical, Aeronautical, Biomedical & Design and Manufacture Engineering Students) Module aims: to introduce students to “Design for Manufacture” First year Design-Build-Compete

3 Gant Chart – Module Plan
Lectures per week: One hour “Manufacturing Process”; One hour manual board drawing; Laboratories per week: Two hours in workshop (lathes, milling machines, manual bench work); Two hours manual board drawing; First year Design-Build-Compete

4 Why Flip? (I’d read the theory …)
Assumed students will all eagerly watch the videos and come to class ready to apply their knowledge Eliminate the need for any lecture time in class Allow more time for the difficult concepts and local examples

5 Why MOOC? Eric Mazur Great MOOC from MIT How to implement?
Downloaded videos and put on Sulis Students asked to watch videos before next lecture Asked concept questions in lectures which students answered with clickers

6 First hurdle Not everyone had clickers!
Please, please get clickers! Google “How to flip the classroom”!! Make students accountable Introduced “bonus marks” Team

7 Positives I learned a lot
I got access to a load of well-worked concept questions on my subject Introduced students to online / blended learning Internationalised the curriculum!!!

8 Negatives

9 Negatives Students “Not Satisfied” Found material “boring”
Attendance at lectures poor Performance at exam very poor

10 Lessons Learned Won’t ask students to follow a MOOC again
Getting an engaging MOOC for 1st year students is too difficult Confirming that students watch the videos is nearly impossible Students must be accountable Will use MOOCs to enhance my knowledge bank of concept questions and current trends Lecture is still important, but always need to ensure students are getting “added value” from attendance


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