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Presentation on theme: "BE SAFE."— Presentation transcript:


2 Be carful on the internet because someone could take your privet information .
SAFE If you were playing a online game and something wired came up you should tell a adult so they could sort it out . How to be safe on the internet. If you think someone hacked you tell a adult. If someone said something mean to you online take a screen shot and show a adult . Never tell any one your private information .

3 Be Reliable

Never tell any one your privet information. RELIABLE DO NOT TALK TO A STRANGER Never talk to a stranger online .

5 Accepting

6 no Be careful when accepting a wired s because it could be a hacker. I have a new accepting Well done you have won the compertion now you have 1000 dollars if you want 1000 pounds enter your all of your details. yes When you look at this it looks a bit wired .

7 TELL . If you downloaded a game and it said for a 9 year old and you were that age and then started to say for a 18 year old it could be a hacker so that is use this app store. If you were on the internet and a wired message came up you would ask a adult what to do.

8 tell be carful when talking to a stranger online .
Tell is a very important because you need to tell for help in anything. tell Tell is very important . Tell is very important with nearly every thing in the world .

9 MEET Be carful meeting people online if they sound weird.
Be carefull when meeting people online because it could be a hacker.

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