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Being Human The Moral Agent Prof. Fernandino J. Pancho.

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Presentation on theme: "Being Human The Moral Agent Prof. Fernandino J. Pancho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Human The Moral Agent Prof. Fernandino J. Pancho

2 “What is man that you should be mindful of him?” Ps. 8:5

3 “Operari sequitor esse”
Following the principle: “Operari sequitor esse” (Action follows being)

4 “Know thyself “ The unexamined life is not worth living!

5 Fruits of Knowing Yourself
Self-awareness & Self Understanding People are the most important organizational resource Improving predictability and self-confidence Building relationships Effective utilization of human resources Avoiding or managing conflicts Improving the quality of life and work environment

6 Points of Reflection Have you ever faced a person whom you failed to understand? Have you ever been misunderstood (as a person)? Have you ever been frustrated by people who looked, behaved, thought or felt very different than you? Have you ever looked down on someone who behaved, thought or felt differently?

7 Conception is when human life begins.
Metaphysically, the embryo is already a human person, created in the image and likeness of God. Operationally (biologically, socially, morally, intellectually, emotionally), the human person has yet to grow.

8 What makes us a Human Being?
Metaphysical (level of being), fundamental, radical, substantial, the act of being. Operational (level of doing), accidental Our being human & even our fundamental dignity lies in the level of being (substantial), not in the level of operation (accidental).

9 Tragic Mistake: WRONG EQUATION
Metaphysical=Operational Substantial=Accidental This wrong equation is the basis of all discriminations (racial, age, economic, gender, etc.) The cause of Abortion, euthanasia, suicide, death penalty, etc.

10 Philosophically: Human Being is a “rational animal”.

11 Every man has a wild beast within him.
Frederick the Great

12 Man is the highest form of animal.

13 “God’s Image and Likeness” CCC 1700-1715; 1929-1938
Theologically: Created in “God’s Image and Likeness” CCC ;

14 intellect and will-Rational.
God’s Image & Likeness It means that man is endowed with intellect and will-Rational.

15 Man is rational. It means that human being possess the faculty of intellection (knowledge) and volition (will). By knowledge is meant the power of generalization, the conception of abstract ideas, and the possession of intellectual truths. By will is meant that strong desire to acquire an object which after due consideration of its consequences has been pronounced by reason to be good.

16 Man’s rationality Capable of making choices Ability to make judgement Capacity to make decisions Power to determine himself freely in attaining his destiny.

17 Thus, Man is: Capable of making moral choices
Ability to make moral judgement Capacity to make moral decisions Is Free and Responsible

18 Therefore, Man is a: “MORAL AGENT”

19 By "moral agent" we understand a creature able to act morally
By "moral agent" we understand a creature able to act morally. To act morally supposes a creature has the ability to know that its actions have moral consequences.

20 Among animals, only man has the faculty of intellect, which allows man to understand that his actions have good or evil consequences.

21 Further, man can know that he is the source of the action that leads to these consequences and, as such, is responsible for them.

22 In order to be able to make a moral act, man also has the faculty of will, that is, a man can choose how to act even when understanding whether the act is good or evil. 

23 Because of the faculties of intellect and will man can understand cause and effect, good and evil, consequences and personal responsibility and thus every act a human being does when the faculties are not inhibited, is a human act by a moral agent.

24 Moral Agent Will Intellect Morally Responsible

25 Theologically: Rationality means
By his reason, he is capable of understanding the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, he is capable of directing himself toward his true good. He finds his perfection "in seeking and loving what is true and good."

26 By his spiritual powers of intellect and will, man is endowed with freedom, an "outstanding manifestation of the divine image."

27 The human person is "the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake."

28 By his reason, man recognizes the voice of God which urges him "to do what is good and avoid what is evil."

29 Dignity of the Human Person
Each Human being has tremendous dignity – God’s image and likeness is reflected in each person.

30 He/she is a PERSON Conscious Being Embodied spirit Being
An individual substance of a rational nature. Conscious Being Embodied spirit Being Historical Being Open and Relational Unique and Fundamentally Equal Being

31 that has No Price but Value.
The Human Person possesses Dignity that has No Price but Value. (Immanuel Kant) 31



34 FUNDAMENTALLY EQUAL The Order of Nature Supernatural Order
We share one and the same origin and we possess the same human nature The Order of Nature FUNDAMENTALLY EQUAL all of us have been redeemed by Christ and are called to share in His divine life Supernatural Order

35 SOCIAL The Order of Nature Rationality
It is in our nature to long to belong. We need to belong to a group, community or society. This need comes from our inner being. The Order of Nature SOCIAL The social nature of human beings is based on a constituent element of our nature, that is, we can communicate. Such is the deepest ground of the social nature of human beings. Rationality

36 bears witness to the dignity of the person.
Living a moral life bears witness to the dignity of the person.

37 Thank you!

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