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I can summarize the rock cycle.

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2 I can summarize the rock cycle.
Today’s goal: I can summarize the rock cycle.

3 Rocks What is a rock? Relatively hard, naturally formed substance that is made of minerals.

4 Rocks 3 Types of Rocks: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic

5 Igneous Igneous means “made from fire or heat.” Igneous rocks are made from magma or lava.

6 Igneous When magma cools under the Earth’s surface it becomes rock! We call rocks that cool INSIDE the Earth INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCK.

7 Igneous We call rocks that cool OUTSIDE the Earth EXTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCK.

8 Igneous Intrusive vs. Extrusive Igneous Rock Intrusive Rocks
Extrusive Rocks Cool Slowly Cool Quickly Forms Big Mineral Crystals Forms VERY tiny Mineral Crystals


10 Igneous Intrusive Rock Extrusive Rock Large Black Crystals
TINY White Crystals

11 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? PUMICE

12 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? OBSIDIAN

13 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? RHYOLITE

14 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? ANDESITE

15 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? PUMICE

16 Intrusive or Extrusive?
Igneous Intrusive or Extrusive? PEGMATITE

17 Igneous What else did you notice about intrusive and extrusive rocks?

18 IGNEOUS How to recognize igneous rocks: May be black or dark
May have holes or pores May have glassy surface

19 SEDIMENTARY What happens to a rock that has been rained on for HUNDREDS of years? What about a rock that has had STRONG winds blowing on it for hundreds of years? What about TWO rocks that have been grinding against each other for hundreds of years?

20 Sedimentary We call the process of rocks wearing down WEATHERING or EROSION.

21 What happened to these rocks?
sedimentary What happened to these rocks?

22 What do you think happened to these rocks?
sedimentary What do you think happened to these rocks?

23 What do you think happened to this rock?
sedimentary What do you think happened to this rock?

24 What do you think happened to this rock?
sedimentary What do you think happened to this rock?

25 What do you think happened to this rock?
sedimentary What do you think happened to this rock?

26 What do you think happened to this rock?
sedimentary What do you think happened to this rock?

27 Sedimentary Sometimes rocks are weathered into TEENY-TINY pieces.

28 Sedimentary Sedimentary rocks are made from smaller pieces of rocks. Sedimentary rocks form in flat, horizontal layers.

29 Words to know for Sedimentary Rocks
Sediment: small pieces of rock, gravel, or sand Weathering: the act of BREAKING down rocks by wind or water Erosion: the act of MOVING sediment

30 Deposition: when sediment gets placed somewhere Compaction: when sediment gets pushed together Cementation: when minerals and water glue sediments together


32 Sedimentary

33 Sedimentary Small Sediments

34 Sedimentary Large Sediments

35 Sedimentary COAL

36 Sedimentary ROCK SALT

37 Sedimentary BRECCIA

38 SEDIMENTARY How to recognize a sedimentary rock: Feels grainy
Looks like it is made of smaller rocks Layers in flat straight lines

39 Metamorphic Sometimes rock gets buried below the surface of the Earth. Rock that is buried can become HOT and is pressed by the ground above. This MORPHS the rock!

40 METAMORPHIC Metamorphic rocks form inside the Earth through lots of heat and pressure

41 How do you know this metamorphic and NOT sedimentary?

42 Metamorphic GNEISS This rock looks like granite, but is layered like sandstone…what makes it metamorphic?

43 Metamorphic SCHIST

44 Metamorphic

45 Metamorphic SLATE

46 Metamorphic MARBLE

47 metamorphic How to recognize a metamorphic rock:
Will feel heavy and dense May have bands (called foliation) Look “melty” (like melted crayons)

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