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Mitosis SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction.

2 Mitosis SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction.

3 Bell Ringer Mitosis and meiosis are processes involved in cellular reproduction. Which of the following describes an event that results from mitosis but NOT meiosis? two stages of cell division replication of cellular genetic material daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell four daughter cells that are produced from each parent cell

4 Interactive Journal Entry “Cell Cycle - SC.912.L.16.14”
Left Side Right Side Students divide there paper into quadrants and label as below. They will need to put characteristics of each phase in the corresponding box. Part 1: Sort the mitosis cards in the correct order with matching phase, definition and picture. Part 2: Have students draw and label the mitosis cycle and include at least two things that happen in each phase of mitosis.  They must use all of these: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

5 The image is of onion cells in different stages of the cell cycle
The image is of onion cells in different stages of the cell cycle. Some of the cells are undergoing mitosis and some are in interphase. Discuss with students and have them identify if they can. Mitosis The process by which a cell, which has previously replicated each of its chromosomes, separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets of chromosomes, each set in its own new nucleus.

6 Mitosis begins after the DNA has replicated during the synthesis phase of the cell cycle.
Mitosis it the process that divides the duplicated DNA evenly, ensuring that the daughter cells end of with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

7 Phases of Mitosis The four identified phases of mitosis. Prophase
Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Mitosis is followed by cytokinesis.

8 Prophase The chromatin is condensing into chromosomes.
The nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate.

9 Metaphase The two centrosomes use their microtubules to start pulling the chromosomes through their attached centromeres towards the two ends of the cell. The chromosomes line up in along the middle of the cell due to this tension of being pulled.

10 Anaphase The sister chromatids are pulled apart by shortening microtubules now become separate daughter chromosomes. The centrosomes and the set of chromosomes to which they are attached move to opposite ends of the cell.

11 Telophase The cell elongates even more.
Corresponding daughter chromosomes attach at opposite ends of the cell. A new nuclear membrane forms around each set of separated daughter chromosomes

12 Cytokinesis Physical process of cell division, which divides the cytoplasm of a parental cell into two daughter cells Cell membrane or wall pinches together Happens right after mitosis

13 “We Do” Part 1: Sort the mitosis cards in the correct order with matching phase, definition and picture. Part 2: Students will draw and label the mitosis cycle and include at least two things that happen in each phase of mitosis.  They must use all of these: Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Depending on time available part 1 or part 2 can be omitted.

14 Bell Ringer - Retry Mitosis and meiosis are processes involved in cellular reproduction. Which of the following describes an event that results from mitosis but NOT meiosis? two stages of cell division replication of cellular genetic material daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell four daughter cells that are produced from each parent cell Answer: C

15 Answer the following exit ticket questions.
“You Do” Answer the following exit ticket questions.

16 Exit Ticket #1 During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up along the middle of the dividing cell? Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Answer: B

17 Exit Ticket #2 Which of the following does NOT occur during mitosis?
chromosomes condense separation of the sister chromatids replication of the DNA formation of the spindle fibers Answer: C (Occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle)

18 Exit Ticket #3 The diagram below shows an animal cell undergoing mitosis. What specific phase of mitosis is cell the undergoing? Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Answer: D

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