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Jeopardy Meiosis I Meiosis II Gametes M vs M EXTRAS Q $100 Q $100

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1 Jeopardy Meiosis I Meiosis II Gametes M vs M EXTRAS Q $100 Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Meiosis I DNA replication occurs Isaac newton

3 $100 Meiosis I Answer What is before Prophase I or during Interphase?

4 $200 Meiosis I The order of the steps of Meiosis I

5 $200 Meiosis I Answer What is Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I and Telophase I?

6 $300 Meiosis I Homologous chromosomes separate

7 $300 Meiosis I Answer What is Anaphase II?

8 $400 Meiosis I Chromosomes swap genetic material

9 $400 Meiosis I Answer What is Crossing Over during Prophase I?

10 $500 Meiosis I Two cells finish off this step.

11 $500 Meiosis I Answer What is Telophase I?

12 $100 Meiosis II Sister chromatids separate

13 $100 Meiosis II Answer What is Anaphase II?

14 $200 Meiosis II 4 non-identical cells are formed.

15 $200 Meiosis II Answer What is Telophase II?

16 $300 Meiosis II Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.

17 $300 Meiosis II Answer What is Metaphase II?
May also accept chromosome

18 $400 Meiosis II Meiosis II is said to be like this process.

19 $400 Meiosis II Answer What is Mitosis?

20 $500 Meiosis II Meiosis II forms 4 specialized cells

21 $500 Meiosis II Answer What are gametes? Ribonucleic acid

22 $100 Gametes The male gamete

23 $100 Gametes Answer What is sperm?

24 $200 Gametes The female gamete.

25 $200 Gametes Answer What is an egg?

26 $300 Gametes Half a full set of chromosomes.

27 $300 Gametes Answer What is Haploid?

28 $400 Gametes Spermatogenesis forms.

29 $400 Gametes Answer What is 4 non-identical sperm cells?”

30 $500 Gametes Oogenesis forms

31 $500 Gametes Answer What is 1 egg cell?

32 $100 M vs M Mitosis has this many steps

33 $100 M vs M Answer What is 4 phases? May take gamete

34 $200 M vs M Clones are formed

35 $200 M vs M Answer What is Mitosis? During meiosis I

36 $300 M vs M Mitosis forms diploid cells, Meiosis forms

37 $300 M vs M Answer What is haploid cells?

38 $400 M vs M Sister chromatids are separated
during these two similar phase.

39 $400 M vs M Answer What are Anaphase II and Anaphase?

40 $500 M vs M Reducing the number of chromosomes.

41 $500 M vs M Answer What is Meiosis?

42 $100 Extras A human gamete has this many chromosomes.

43 $100 Extra Answers What is 23?

44 $200 Extras A full set of chromosomes.

45 $200 Extra Answers What is diploid?

46 $300 Extras A diagram of the chromosomes matched and paired.

47 $300 Extras Answer What is a Karyotype?

48 $400 Extras Independent assortment occurs during this phase .

49 $400 Extras Answer What is the Anaphase I?

50 $500 Extras Meiosis only occurs here

51 $500 Extras Answer What are the reproductive organs?

52 Final Jeopardy Genetic diversity is ensured by these two steps

53 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Independent
Assortment and Crossing Over?

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