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Types of Entertainment Products

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2 Types of Entertainment Products
Media Product Marketing 2

3 Chapter Objectives Identify types of entertainment products.
Define evergreen products. Describe location-based entertainment (LBE). Explain the significance of impulse spending. Explain why marketing is involved in entertainment product development. Discuss the difference between primary and secondary markets. Explain the importance of programming. 3

4 Entertaining Products
The entertainment industry produces a wide variety of goods and services including: Media-based Entertainment Goods Films on DVD and video Music on DVD and CDs Video and electronic games Books and magazines Toys T-shirts Concessions Media-based Entertainment Services Television shows Movies in theaters Concert performances Theater performances Recreation-based Entertainment Services Amusement parks Zoos Museums Snack-bars 4

5 Film and Music Merchandising
Theatres provide media-based services. concessions snack-bars that sell popcorn, soda, and candy Theatres also provide concessions. The home entertainment industry sells media-based goods. 5

6 Film and Music Merchandising
Film producers have two choices for DVD and video distribution—to rent or to sell through the customer. evergreens films or products that are popular year after year Evergreens are important to the film industry. 6

7 Marketing Film and Distribution
Primary Market Tie-Ins Theaters Toys Clothing Books Posters Product Movie Cross-Marketing Secondary Market Foreign market Television Home rentals Home sales Cable TV Airlines Film soundtrack 7

8 Music CDs and Distribution
In addition to in-store sales, the marketing of record clubs and rack jobbers contribute to the sales of CDs record clubs organizations in which members receive free records if they agree to purchase additional records within a time period rack jobbers independent vendors who distribute, price, and control their own inventory within a store 8

9 Electronic and Video Games
Cross-marketing in video game distribution is common. Common tie-ins include: Films Music Sports Merchandise 9

10 Print Books and Magazines
Despite the computer age, customers are now buying more books and magazines than ever before. Trade books are published for general bookstores. Magazines offer marketers ready-made target markets. Major media corporations that own film and television studios also own print media. 10

11 Theme Parks and Water Parks
Location-based entertainment (LBE) has evolved into major entertainment forms. location-based entertainment (LBE) entertainment that includes amusement, theme, animal, and water parks The park environment is set up for impulse spending. impulse spending buying without prior planning Tie-ins play an important role in LBE venues. 11

12 Special Entertainment Events
Special entertainment events provide entertainment services. Circuses, state fairs, pageants, ice shows Each event supplies a venue for selling related entertainment products. Concessions and souvenirs 12

13 Why are evergreens important to the film industry?
1. Why are evergreens important to the film industry? What are three forms of location-based entertainment? (LBE) What is a rack jobber? 2. Quick Check Answers Evergreens are important because the continuing popularity of these films or products means that new generations of viewers can buy them. Answers may include three of the following: amusement, theme, animal, and water parks. Rack jobbers are independent vendors who come into retail stores and set up displays and a limited assortment of CDs and tapes. 3. 13

14 Media Marketing Channels
The major media marketing channels are: Film TV Radio Print publishing Internet Marketers are involved in the development of most entertainment products, or goods and services. 14

15 Marketing Film and Distribution
The film market is divided into the primary market and the secondary market. primary market in film distribution, the target audience which is the theaters that show films in first release After a studio or independent production company creates the products, it is shopped to exhibitors. secondary market in film distribution, target audience after a film has been in first run at theaters exhibitors theaters that sell tickets and show films to an audience 15

16 Marketing Film and Distribution
The exhibitor breaks down gross revenue sources in two areas: 70 percent from ticket sales 30 percent from concession sales gross revenue total income from sales before costs, expenses, and taxes are deducted trailers previews of upcoming movies shown before the main feature The film studio and the exhibitor use trailers to create interest in new releases. 16

17 Marketing Television Syndication is a great source of revenue for studios and networks. syndication selling television programs to individual stations, not networks Television target audiences are specialized by programming. programming the schedule, or times, for broadcasting shows on television; or on radio, also the music style and playlist 17

18 Marketing Radio Radio is one of the best ways to target your advertising message to an audience. There are over 11,000 commercial radio stations in the United States with over 2 million listeners. Programming radio is determined by the style of music and playlist or type of program. Competition in the radio industry is intense. 18

19 Marketing the Music Promotion strategies include:
jingle a catchy tune or song that promotes a product and accompanies television, radio, or Internet advertisements Targeting specific markets Focusing on specific stations with specific markets Artists performing jingles ad campaign a promotional plan that combines selling, advertising, public relations, and the use of different media to reach the target market Ad campaigns Artist Web sites Talk show interviews Chat room discussions Charitable activities 19

20 Marketing the Music In prior years, payola was the key to having DJs play a record. payola an illegal payment by record labels to radio stations to persuade them to play the label’s records Today record labels might hire independent agents to promote records to stations and provide gifts to station personnel to encourage them to play the music on the radio. 20

21 Marketing Print Media Global trade shows and book fairs have been successful venues for showcasing new books. Book-signing events and book tours by authors generate publicity and interest. TV talk shows and interviews are an effective marketing strategy. Magazines use direct marketing. E-publishing is starting to gain popularity. Most newspapers have corresponding Web sites. 21

22 Media and Marketing The media are not only sources of pure entertainment products, they are also effective entertainment marketing tools. 22

23 A Piece of the Action Entertainment memorabilia is often sold at large auction houses. Internet auction sites such as eBay now make it possible for anyone to obtain a tiny piece of entertainment history. Operating an e-tail business on an electronic channel—the Web—can be costly, due to design, delivery, returns, and operating expenses. Though Many larger dot-com companies crashed in the 1990’s, small stores like Harris Cyclery of West Newton, Massachusetts, actually increase sales using a basic Web site. Today, a third of Harris’s bicycle business rides in on the Web to get hard-to-find parts and personal service. Describe an e-business’s home page to your class after viewing one through It’s not just collectors who are doing the selling—television and movie studios have latched onto this idea, offering for sale autographs, costumes, scripts, small props, and crew uniforms. These pop-culture artifacts generate money for the studios, publicity for the shows or movies, and satisfaction for the fans. For more information on sports and entertainment marketing, go to 23

24 1. What is the difference between the primary market and the secondary market in film distribution? What is gross revenue? Define programming. Quick Check Answers The primary market is the target audience or the theaters that run films in first release; the secondary market is the target audience after the film has been in first run at theatres, and it includes foreign theatres, home rental and sales, cable TV, and airlines. It is the total income from sales before costs, expenses, or taxes have been deducted. It is the style of music and playlist of radio stations or the schedule of shows broadcast on television. 2. 3. 24

25 Checking Concepts Name three entertainment products. 1. 2.
Impulse spending is buying without prior planning. 4. Evergreen products are films or products that are popular year after year. 3. The primary market in film distribution is the target audience or the theatres that run films in first release; the secondary market is the target audience after a film has been first run at theatres: foreign theatres, home rentals and sales, cable TV, airlines. 2. DVDs, CDs, video games, and many others. 1. 2. Explain primary and secondary markets. Define evergreen products. 3. Checking Concepts Answers DVDs, CDs, video games, and many others. The primary market in film distribution is the target audience or the theatres that run films in first release; the secondary market is the target audience after a film has been first run at theatres: foreign theatres, home rentals and sales, cable TV, airlines. Evergreen products are films or products that are popular year after year. Impulse spending is buying without prior planning. Describe impulse spending. 4. continued 25

26 Checking Concepts 5. Differentiate between theme parks and water parks. The game target market is young: 40% are under 18, and 40% are  6. Programming, which is the style of music and play lists of radio stations or the schedule of shows broadcast on television, is important because it is through knowing the target market that advertisers purchase air time. 7. Theme parks utilize themes, characters, stories, and other intellectual property of the owners; water parks are low-cost fun centers for the whole family. 5. 6. Describe the customers of electronic and video games. Checking Concepts Answers Theme parks utilize themes, characters, stories, and other intellectual property of the owners; water parks are low-cost fun centers for the whole family. The game target market is young: 40% are under 18, and 40% are  Programming, which is the style of music and play lists of radio stations or the schedule of shows broadcast on television, is important because it is through knowing the target market that advertisers purchase air time. Explain the importance of programming. 7. continued 26

27 Checking Concepts Critical Thinking 8.
A handful of major companies produce the bulk of the movies that are released; additionally, major theater chains control about 65 percent of the movie screens in the United States. Other business giants control other parts of the industry; Time Warner is one example. These companies can absorb losses more easily than small companies because they always have some unit that is earning very well. 8. 8. Explain why you think large media companies have so much control over entertainment. Checking Concepts Answers A handful of major companies produce the bulk of the movies that are released; additionally, major theater chains control about 65 percent of the movie screens in the United States. Other business giants control other parts of the industry; Time Warner is one example. These companies can absorb losses more easily than small companies because they always have some unit that is earning very well. 27

28 Customizable Slide 28

29 End of

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