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Public health- lymphatic system & Infection control

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1 Public health- lymphatic system & Infection control
Course standards Medical therapeutics -10A, 11-13, 25 Health science - 8, 13-14, 18, 23

2 Bellwork- make a foldable for your public health folder
Angi/o- (vessel) Anti- (against) -cyt (cell) Erythro- (red) (erythrocyte (p.188)) -itis (inflammation of) Leuko- (white) (leukocyte (p.189)) (lymphocyte (p.190)) Lymph/o- Thromb- (clot) (thrombocyte (p.190)) Co2 (carbon dioxide) Hgb (hemoglobin) O2 (oxygen) Plt (platelet) RBC (red blood cell) WBC (white blood cell) Duct (tube) Valve (prevents backflow) Where are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes made? How long do they live? How many of them are in the body? What is the job of each type of cell? Fighter Cells, Police Cells, Ninja Cells, Pacman Cells

3 Meet the “leukocytes”

4 Make a graphic organizer, foldable, or flash cards for all terms
Phagocytosis= ingesting, engulfing, destroying (Pac Man) Phag/o- = eat, ingest -cyt = cell -osis = condition of, process A- = without -trophy = growth Atrophy = to waste away -megaly= enlargement Aden- = gland -oma = tumor, swelling Hyper- = above, high, too much Sx= surgery Hypertrophy= enlargement -ectomy = sx removal of Abd = abdomen -penia = lack of, deficiency, abnormal reduction in number Anemia = decrease in blood or # of RBCs Make a graphic organizer, foldable, or flash cards for all terms

5 Create an Infection Control Quizlet and include all terms from today
Micro- = small Org = organism Microbe = microorganism Non = not, no, none Aer- = air Microorganism = Pathogen = Nonpathogen = Normal flora = Aerobic = Anaerobic = Create an Infection Control Quizlet and include all terms from today p.351 Add these to your graphic organizer

6 Microbes aka microorganisms
Small, living org, not visible to naked eye Good & bad types Pathogen (germ) = disease causing Non-pathogen = part of normal flora & is beneficial (not disease-causing) O2 vs no O2 Aerobic = needs O2 to live (Aer- :air) Anaerobic = lives and reproduces without O2 (An- :without)

7 What is a microorganism? Differentiate pathogen and non-pathogen.
Objectives: 1. identify the (6) main types of microbes 2. differentiate the type medication for each pathogen 3. Differentiate bacteria and virus 4. differentiate the (3) types of bacteria Answer on your paper: What is a microorganism? Differentiate pathogen and non-pathogen. Differentiate aerobic and anaerobic.

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