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Welcome to CCSC Fall 2011.

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1 Welcome to CCSC Fall 2011

2 Your Instructors Cadet Commandant: CCSC Instructor:
C/Lt Col Sarah Heitzmann CCSC Instructor: C/Maj Addison Jaynes

3 What is CCSC?? CCSC is a predominantly discussion and implementation school with respect to all things related to executive level leadership focusing on wing level activities, especially basic encampment. The course work consists of lectures, group discussions, individual and group activities, written assignments and presentations.

4 Lectures During the lectures students will be introduced to concepts related to all aspects of executive leadership and the conducting of wing level activities. Cadets are expected to give their undivided attention to the instructor conducting the lecture. If a student interrupts the instructor they may be asked to leave the lecture and may not return until the lecture is over. This will also result in a grade of unsatisfactory for that lecture.

5 Group Discussions Group discussions provide feedback to the lecture portions of the curriculum and offer cadets an opportunity to share their experiences as well as seek clarification on situations they have seen or heard about. Cadets are expected to actively participate in group discussions.

6 Activities Various activities will be conducted during the course of instruction to give cadets an opportunity to put into practice the concepts they learn. Cadets are expected to participate in all activities to the best of their ability.

7 Written Assignments Written assignments in conjunction with activities and presentations provide the cadet with an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. Cadets are expected to complete all written assignments to the best of their ability in the time allotted.

8 Presentations Presentations are a vital part of the CCSC program. They allow the cadets to demonstrate their organization and planning ability. Additionally, the clear and concise representation of concepts and ideas is a necessary skill for a successful executive official.

9 Standard All of the aforementioned aspects of the CCSC curriculum will be assessed individually and cumulatively on the standard CAP evaluation scale of “Unsatisfactory, Marginal, Satisfactory, Excellent, and Outstanding”.

10 Papers will be given a grade from 1-10; 10 being a perfect paper.
Grading Graduation from CCSC requires a minimum grade of satisfactory in all five of the aforementioned areas. All grading will be on the standard CAP evaluation scale of “Unsatisfactory, Marginal, Satisfactory, Excellent, and Outstanding”. Additionally cadets may be removed from the school in the event that they display behavior unbecoming of a cadet as outlined in CAP regulations and guidelines. Papers will be given a grade from 1-10; 10 being a perfect paper.

11 Rules 1. Professionalism-Always keep your customs and courtesies in mind, amongst yourselves, cadet staff, and senior members. 2. Preparation-Do not wait until right before the deadline to finish any assignments. 3. Lights Out-You are not to leave your assigned building after lights out. This means you cannot be in the classroom or outside. Do not disturb others!

12 Rules Continued 4. Travel on base-Never travel alone. Travel with a buddy. No opposite sex pairs, bring a third person. When traveling to meals or to the classroom, you must travel together EVERYONE (no exceptions). 5. Safety-Put safety first and always utilize common sense. 6. Timeliness-Never be late. Ever. For any reason. This includes turning in assignments, going to chow, and making it to class.

13 You are officers. We expect you to act as such
You are officers. We expect you to act as such. Let us treat you as such.


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