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Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans

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1 Technical Assistance to Connectivity in the Western Balkans

2 Objective of the project
The World Bank’s ‘Trade and Transport Facilitation in the Western Balkans Region’ project comprises Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) which include investment lending operations with a results-based financing elements involving multiple borrowers and aimed at accompanying efforts by the Western Balkan countries in advancing their goal of economic integration within the region and with the European Union. Component 1 Facilitating cross-border movement of goods + 1.2 mln USD Grant Resilience in Trade and Transport Component 2 Component 3 Enhancing transport efficiency and predictability Enhancing Market Access for Trade in Services and Investments

3 Component 1 Component 2 Grant Component 3
Project components Cross-border movement of goods Design and Installation of the National Single Window Border change management systems and HR Regulations and procedures Physical and organizational improvements at BCPs Transport efficiency and predictability Intelligent Transport System Integrated data exchange Automated data interface Component 1 Component 2 Grant Component 3 Market Access for Trade in Services and Investments Measures under CEFTA AP6 Product Market regulations Competitiveness providers Trade and Transport Resilience Climate change impacts Transport modelling overlay Decision Under Uncertainty Operational scenarios for freight

4 Current status 1st mission Feb 2017 2nd mission Sep 2017
Follow up missions WB (G) team visited Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia to carry out a preparatory mission with the aim of identifying overall project objectives and needs by the countries. WB (G) team visited Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania to carry out a preparatory mission with the aim of discussing government priorities, identifying key elements of the proposed project components, notably technical choices and border crossing locations. 2nd mission Sep 2017 Data collection Ongoing process of data collection for all three components and preforming cost-benefit analysis of the proposed MPA in order to identify potential projects effectiveness Data analysis Follow up on the data collection; Discussions with the countries on the potential list of projects to be financed under the TTFP

5 Timeline and milestones
Whilst the preparatory works under the World Bank project have preceded the kick-off for the CONNECTA project, the main bulk of the analysis and data collection however, is only expected in 1Q – 3Q, 2018, as presented in the table below. Accordingly, the highest level of data and information exchange will be required during this period.

6 Connecta – World Bank potential overlapping
World Bank project components CONNECTA project components Start Legal and regulatory assessment of all RPs Legal and regulatory assessment of participating RPs – Component 1 Phase 1 1/2Q 2018 Institutional and organizational assessment of all RPs Institutional and organizational assessment of participating RPs – Component 1 Phase 1 Traffic technology and ITS Detail assessment (CBA) of several BCPs to be financed under the project – Component 1 2/3Q 2018 Customs/Police/border agencies Physical improvements, including land constraints, and estimated costs CBA, due diligence and investments in physical improvements 4Q 2018 Specific eQMS, Traffic technology and ITS, options for information to users In case if eQMS implementation is agreed as one of the projects Physical improvements, specific equipment and estimated costs

7 Data/ information sharing principles
Both parties have agreed to the reciprocal transfer of data/ information through the open sharing approach regarding all technical and organisational data concerning both projects, with the exception of bilateral political agreements and official bilateral documents due to CONNECTA and World Bank confidentiality rules. No official agreement is required for the data sharing procedure, whereas WB TA Interface is considered to be fully sufficient and responsible for the task. Any data/ information exchanged should not be disclosed to the public nor used for any other purposes beside above elaborated projects. CONNECTA Data Sharing Data Sharing WORLD BANK RPs

8 Mr. Errol Tan, Project Manager (
CONSORTIUM CONNECTA Project team Mr Chris Germanacos, Team Leader; Transport Expert Mr. Kostas Georgiou, Transport Key Expert, Deputy Team Leader Mr. Errol Tan, Project Manager

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