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LIBER: Title City, Day Month Year Name, Job Title, LIBER.

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Presentation on theme: "LIBER: Title City, Day Month Year Name, Job Title, LIBER."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIBER: Title City, Day Month Year Name, Job Title, LIBER

2 About LIBER

3 We’re Europe’s largest research library network.
Founded in 1971. Based in The Hague.

4 400+ libraries University, national and special libraries.

5 LIBER Libraries across Europe.
We began with 86 libraries in 15 countries.

6 LIBER Team

7 100+ Volunteers serving on Steering Committees, Working Groups, Fora
LIBER Team 13 Board Members 3 Special Advisors 10 Office Staff 100+ Volunteers serving on Steering Committees, Working Groups, Fora

8 Our Mission: Help our libraries to support world-class research.
Collaborative Cross border Cross discipline Increasingly data intensive Open

9 3 ways we can help

10 #1. Identifying Topics That Matter: LIBER Strategy 2013-2017.

11 Strategy

12 “LIBER is offering a lot of services which create an orientation for those institutions that need it. LIBER is like a star we look at: if we need some light, then we can ask them.’’ -Paulo Budroni, Vienna University Library

13 Lead in Changing Scholarship
Strategy Enable Open Science (Open Science, Open Access, RDM) Lead in Changing Scholarship (Leadership Seminars, Skills Development) Shape Innovative Research (Advocacy, Text and Data Mining)

14 Strategy

15 WHY? We believe Open Science will deliver:
Strategy Enable Open Science (Open Science, Open Access, RDM) WHY? We believe Open Science will deliver: increased transparency better quality research higher level of citizen engagement faster scientific discovery -LIBER statement on Enabling Open Science,

16 Lead in Changing Scholarship
Strategy Lead in Changing Scholarship (Leadership Seminars, Skills Development) WHY? Research libraries are facing unprecedented change and opportunity. We need to embrace new ways of leading, to effectively deal with new opportunities and challenges.

17 Shape Innovative Research
Strategy Shape Innovative Research (Advocating for libraries and their researchers) WHY? As research libraries, we need to speak up for the topics that matter: Copyright Reform Text and Data Mining Open Science

18 Highlights & Resources

19 Steering Committees, Working Groups & Fora

20 Join A Steering Committee, Group or Forum
3 Steering Committees 7 Working Groups 2 Forums Staff from LIBER libraries are welcome to join. the group chair.

21 Expectations & Benefits
It’s a Working Group, so… Advantages: Learn from others Share your professional knowledge You ARE an expert Work together for a stronger voice

22 “My field is Research Data Management, where everybody is trying to find
the right way but we’re not aware of what other people are actually doing. All universities and libraries have to talk to researchers and learn more about the same issues. This is something that LIBER can help with and we can profit from.” -Mijke Jetten, Scientific Information Infrastructures Working Group Member

23 Projects

24 33 LIBER Libraries Active In EU Projects… which LIBER is also a partner.

25 EU Projects 6 current projects: Budget: €500,000- €10 million
Partners: 5-50 Duration: 2-4 years LIBER is involved in tasks which match our strategy. For example: Open Science Training for Librarians Advocacy

26 “For me participating in EU Projects means learning from good practice overseas, building international networks that bring together a range of perspectives and expertise, and the opportunity to co-develop systems and services” -Sarah Jones, Digital Curation Centre

27 EU Projects Why Join An EU Project? Cross-border cooperation
Build skills Get to know your peers Funding

28 H2020 Programme How to get involved? Find interesting upcoming calls
EU Participants portal (

29 H2020 Programme How to get involved? Find interesting upcoming calls
EU Participants portal ( Find your partners Ask around, contact LIBER Participate in writing a project proposal

30 EU Projects How Can LIBER Help? General guidance
Looking for a partner? Tell us. Use the LIBER network to connect

31 Events

32 LIBER Annual Conference.
Europe’s biggest gathering of research library professionals.

33 Held yearly in locations across Europe 3 days
Annual Conference Held yearly in locations across Europe 2018 in Lille, France 3 days Attended by global academic library professionals

34 Annual Conference

35 Call for papers: Released in November
Annual Conference Call for papers: Released in November LIBER Conference Fund: free registration + €500 travel bursary For LIBER library delegates from: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Portugal

36 Leadership Seminars

37 Emerging Leaders Programme
Leadership Seminars Emerging Leaders Programme For senior librarians who aim to be Directors 2-year programme Journées Programme For Library Directors Two day seminar

38 “I built myself a European network, with the other participants and through the mentorship experience. The Leadership Seminar is a process where you confront to your feelings, have to reveal yourself, trust in each other. It’s a strong feeling.” -Live Rasmussen, Head of Science Library, University of Oslo, Norway

39 Digital Curation Workshop
Other Events Architecture Seminar Next one in 2018 Focus on the design of library spaces Digital Curation Workshop Next one in Autumn 2017 Topics: Data Management Plans, Digital roadmaps for access to cultural heritage, Digital preservation

40 Events Why Attend An Event? Gain in-depth knowledge Meet like-minded professionals LIBER members get a discount

41 #3. Your Views Represented in Brussels

42 Advocacy Strategy Open Science Open Access Copyright / TDM RDM

43 We Bring Library Issues To MEPs

44 We Sit On The EC’s Open Science Policy Platform

45 Four Open Science Cafes (Dutch Presidency Open Science Conference)

46 We Launched The Hague Declaration.
800+ signatures so far. Will you sign? What Does It Say? As long as people have legal access to information, they should be able to use modern techniques (eg. TDM) to analyse digital content.

47 We Launched The Hague Declaration.
What Can Research Libraries Do? Sign the declaration: Copyright law is being debated now. Every signature helps! Promote TDM in policy and practice: provide training for researchers on content mining literacy, legal advice

48 LIBER: Europe’s Biggest Research Library Network
To Recap LIBER: Europe’s Biggest Research Library Network We can help via our Strategy, Network & Advocacy. Just €495/year €245 for libraries in Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine

49 Thank you! QUESTIONS? @libereurope

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