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CSE/EE 576 Computer Vision Spring 2010

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Presentation on theme: "CSE/EE 576 Computer Vision Spring 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE/EE 576 Computer Vision Spring 2010
Professor Linda Shapiro TA: Indriyati Atmosukarto (Indri)

2 Introduction What IS computer vision?
Where do images come from? the analysis of digital images by a computer

3 Applications: Medical Imaging
CT image of a patient’s abdomen liver kidney kidney

4 Visible Man Slice Through Lung

5 3D Reconstruction of the Blood Vessel Tree

6 Slice of a Chicken Embryo’s Inner Ear

7 CBIR of Mouse Eye Images for Genetic Studies

8 Robotics 2D Gray-tone or Color Images 3D Range Images What am I?
“Mars” rover What am I?

9 Robot Soccer

10 Image Databases: Images from my Ground-Truth collection:
retrieve images containing trees

11 Some Features for Image Retrieval
Original Images Color Regions Texture Regions Line Clusters

12 Documents:


14 Science Classification Results: Calineuria (Cal) Doroneuria (Dor)
Yor (Yor) Classification Results: Classified as Cal as Yor Cal 171 16 Yor 99 Classified as Cal as Dor Cal 114 72 Dor 70 133

15 Surveillance: Event Recognition in Aerial Videos
Original Video Frame Color Regions Structure Regions

16 Face Detection (and Recognition)

17 Graphics: Special Effects
Andy Serkis, Gollum, Lord of the Rings

18 3D Reconstruction and Graphics Viewer

19 Object Recognition from “Parts”

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