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School Discipline and Attendance Data (SDA) Updates

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Presentation on theme: "School Discipline and Attendance Data (SDA) Updates"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-18 School Discipline and Attendance Data (SDA) Updates
For CRDC Reporting and ESSA Requirements

2 CRDC Background Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is reported by LEAs every other year CDE pre-populates any data fields collected for LEAs to help with the CRDC process CRDC currently collects 1,658 data fields; CDE currently pre-populates 1,292 fields using approved data from the LEAs. This is ~78% of the CRDC data fields By making the following revisions to the SDA collection, CDE can now prepopulate an additional 297 fields. This would be ~96% of the CRDC data fields

3 Additional Notes These changes are significant, however the data is required to be reported to CRDC for every LEA currently Training will be provided regarding these changes – in the Fall of 2017 and Spring of 2018 The new codes and fields are marked as optional if they are not required to be reported in SDA The fields could be left blank or zero-filled Codes not used in the file

4 Review of SDA Updates for CRDC Reporting
6 new Behavior/Allegation codes allows for CDE to prepopulate an additional 8 CRDC fields 1 new field in the Discipline by Action file allows CDE to prepopulate an additional 6 CRDC fields 10 new fields in the Discipline by Student Demographics file allows CDE to prepopulate an additional 265 CRDC fields 1 new field in the Attendance Data File allows CDE to prepopulate an additional 18 CRDC fields

5 Discipline by Action file
New(optional) Behavior/Allegation codes: Threats of Physical Attack Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color or national origin Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion Allegations would only have the Total Number reported, Actions Taken would not be associated with these codes

6 Discipline by Action file (cont.)
New field “Weapon Description” Provide additional information for the reported behavior and whether a weapon was used or not during the incident. Code Type Description No Weapon No weapon was used for reported behavior. 1 With Weapon A weapon is any instrument or object used with the intent to threaten, injure, or kill. This includes look-alikes if they are used to threaten others. Using words that refer to a weapon would not be considered with a weapon. 2 With Firearm or Explosive Device A firearm or explosive device refers to any weapon that is designed to (or may readily be converted to) expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. This includes guns, bombs, grenades, mines, rockets, missiles, pipe bombs, or similar devices designed to explode and capable of causing bodily harm or property damage.

7 Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File
No updates necessary

8 Discipline by Student Demographics
New optional fields: these could be left blank, zero-filled or reported with data Transferred to Alternative School (for Disciplinary Reasons) Subjected to Mechanical Restraint Subjected to Seclusion Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Sex Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Race or Color or National Origin Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Disability Students Disciplined as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Sex Students Disciplined as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Race or Color or National Origin Students Disciplined as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Disability

9 Attendance Data File Add the optional field: Additional Update:
Total Days Missed Due to Out of School Suspensions The total number of school days that were missed by students who received one or more out-of-school suspensions. Include school days missed by students in grades K-12 and comparable ungraded levels. Days when school staff were required to be present at school but students were not, should not be counted. Days when students were dismissed early from school, but school staff were not, should be counted as full days. Each day missed from a part-day program (e.g., part-day kindergarten) should be counted as one full day. Report a cumulative count based on the entire regular school year. Additional Update: Add field for “Free/Reduced Lunch Status” as it is required for ESSA reporting

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