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Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza.

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Presentation on theme: "Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza.
Ms. Harlow’s Class Chicago Style… and no, unfortunately we don’t mean pizza.

2 Citation gives you credibility and nobility.
MLA; stands for Modern Language Association. Highlights Authors APA is used a lot in colleges. It stands for American Psychological Association, highlights the Date.. Chicago Manual Style, or Turabian Style, is 2-way, super-duper method of citation, used mostly for History. You use a footnote spot AND a citation list at the end. This style emphasizes the AUTHOR and the DATE. “Notes and Bibliography Style”

3 Vocabulary: Bibliographic data: Bits and pieces of information about a work, like the author’s name, the title, the year it was published, etc. *EASYBIB isn’t always easy!

4 Planning your Research and Organizing your Information
Impeccable Processes: -Take down bibliographic data first, then add all your notes from that source, including page#’s. - Once finished with that source, move on to another source and a new notes page. -Create a research folder (preferably electronically) -Use my note-taking sheets and your Google Drive to organize your notes.

5 Notes and Numbers In-text citation requires both a note-number (that comes at the end of the excerpt) and a footnote. *The citation is not a full citation, those comes at the end. Excerpt is the bit of information, or the note(s) that you took down from a source during your research. *Summarizing others’ thoughts... Footnotes work in what I like to think of as marital relationships with your little numbers and your excerpts from research materials.

6 Footnotes Footnotes protect YOU, as the writer.
-Contain abbreviated version of bibliographic data. -Provide commentary -Insurance against plagiarism

7 Citing Bibliographic Data in the Footnotes-- Different from the Bibliography!!!
Book: #. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number. Website: #. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Webpage,” Publishing Organization or Name of Website in Italics, publication date and/or access date, URL. Gale Source:#. Author(s), “Title of Article,” Title of Publication/Periodical Volume and/or issue number (Date/year): Page Numbers, URL:....

8 Authors and Titles and Publishers, Oh my!
Chicago style for Books: Last name, First name. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year Published. Basic bibliographic info that you need for everything!!! 2 Authors: Last name, First name and First Name Last Name (Tricky!) More than 2 Authors: Lastname, Firstname, Firstname Lastname and Firstname LastName. (See the pattern yet?)

9 Internet Sources Chicago Style for Websites:
Author (or Sponsor/owner). Title. URL. Chicago style for a Webpage: Author. “Title of Page.” Title of Website. URL. Chicago Style for the Online periodicals/Gale Databases: Basically the same as MLA. You can still cite from Gale, just use one of their providers, or switch stuff around,

10 Brandt, Anthony. "An Unholy Mess." American History 49.5
(2014): 34+. U.S. History in Context. Accessed 7 Sept com/ic/uhic/AcademicJournalsDetailsPage/AcademicJou rnalsDetailsWindow?disableHighlighting=true&displayGrou pName=Journals&currPage=&scanId=&query=&prodId=UHI C&search_within_results=&p=UHIC%3AWHIC&mode=view& catId=&limiter=&display- query=&displayGroups=&contentModules=&action=e&sort By=&documentId=GALE%7CA &windowstate=no rmal&activityType=&failOverType=&commentary=true&sou rce=Bookmark&u=mlin_s_ncahs&jsid=8a3b79f2dbbd a1e9655f58eb02. Hanging Indent! Added URL

11 “Rules of Thumb” No Author--> skip right to the title
Don’t forget the hanging indent on bibliographies! Ibid This notation is used when you are using the same note in succession SAVES TIME! “Ibid., Page #” Footnote numbers count in order in your paper, from the first note to the last: 1, 2, 3, 4, Tables and Charts: Always get titles; source is included in footnotes.

12 Extra Resources: Purdue OWL-- Good, basic reference to start.
UWI Madison Writing Center-- Another online writing center; good for specific issues. This is the Chicago Manual Website. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial; they have an online forum where people discuss issues! Ms. Elich: You may need help quoting a person, a tweet, a video, a ghost--who knows?-- depending on what your topic is, and we can figure out the way to do it!

13 Setting up your paper, Suggestions:
Microsoft Word→ References→ Change drop down to Turabian Style. *PRE-PAPER ORGANIZATION!

14 Where to Start... This site is the World Digital Library This site is the Digital Public Library of America This site is World Cat: you can find sources at libraries near you!

15 Databases and Boolean Searches/ Advanced Searching
Opposing Viewpoints World Issues in Context Communication and Mass Media Collection The New York Times* The Boston Globe* Check out the additional links, bottom right...

16 Boolean indicators: AND, OR, NOT/EXCEPT
Peanut Butter Jelly

17 Web Resources to Consider
Museums History Channel, or Discovery (educational, “entertainment” companies) National Geographic *Authority, Scholarship, Currency, Bias, Links

18 Exit Ticket Name one resource you can consult if you get stuck during your paper.

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