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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHCARE INNOVATION FORUM 2018"— Presentation transcript:

Alvydas Česas Klaipėda University Hospital February 23, 2018

2 Horizon scanning: why & how to launch it in Lithuania?
Main goals of health innovation and potential benefit of a new treatment Living longer Improved Overall survival Improved surrogate of OS DFS ( when OS data are immaturein adjuvant setting) Improved PFS Living better Improved quality of life Improved surrogate quality of life Reduced toxicity

3 Horizon scanning: why & how to launch it in Lithuania?
Policy-making and reforms: What is the political system doing to support innovation? (specifically in healthcare, not general measures like tax exemptions, labour laws etc) Infrastructure for innovation: Are there technology transfer offices, academic health science centers, Clusters, etc.? Focus on infrastructure specific for healthcare, rather than general policies and measures of innovation. Reimbursement and financial incentives: Are there channels into the healthcare system for innovative products and services?

4 Horizon scanning: why & how to launch it in Lithuania?
Clinical trials: Lithuania is described as an attractive place to carry out clinical trials – regardless of the healthcare system. By improving this endpoint we can get more possibilities for our patients. We need to create better legal basis for Early Access Programs and Compassionate use programs. Infrastructure for innovation Lithuania has established the infrastructure for innovation similar to that of other European countries, but incorporation of new MedTech to the daily practice are very slow DRG system was established in Lithuania few years ago. In DRG systems, costs for pharmaceuticals and medical devices are included (but very fragmentarily) in DRG classification and therefore factual expenses are not covered Additional problem: time lag between the data collection and the time when hospitals are paid on the basis of this data.

5 Horizon scanning: why & how to launch it in Lithuania?
The average time necessary to get a device and technology reimbursed in Lithuania is too long: aprox 4-5 years (compare to Sweden, Germany: 1-2 years) Lithuania defines the price of innovative drugs according to the medical benefit provided by the innovative drugs. The regulated price system for drugs in Lithuania remains a major limitation to the uptake and diffusion of the most innovative – and therefore the most expensive – treatments. Need speed up and set the maximum time of final decision of 2-3 years after submission In Lithuanian hospitals, expensive and innovative drugs that are paid in addition to the DRG tariffs are listed on special lists (centralized purchase)

6 Horizon scanning: why & how to launch it in Lithuania?


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