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WW2: Effects on Canada.

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1 WW2: Effects on Canada

2 Economic Effects Canada’s economy was now booming
Industrial and manufacturing production grew to overtake agriculture as the most important economic sector in Canada

3 Political Effects: Increased reputation
Canada gained an international reputation and established itself as a middle power. Canada was to take an important role in creating the United Nations

4 Political Effects: Troops Recognized
Our Canadian troops were recognized for our contributions at Dieppe, Hong Kong, Normandy, Italy, and the Liberation of Holland

5 English-French Relations
Political Effects: English-French Relations Prime Minister King averted (avoided) a conscription crisis and managed to maintain strained English-French relations

6 Political Effects: Role of Gov’t
The government began to intervene more and strengthened the social safety net.

7 Political Effects: Civil Rights
The contributions of black and aboriginal peoples to WW2 advanced the cause of civil rights

8 Social Effects Social Effects 42,000 Canadians lost to the war
Women achieved greater recognition for their contributions to the war effort

9 Social Effects Social Effects
Canada became more tolerant by accepting refugees from Europe Pier 21 was a port in Halifax which reopened in 1947, and was in charge of processing huge numbers of war brides and refugees. A “baby boom” and a significant wave of immigration occurred

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