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GEOGRAPHY We will be using maps and atlases to help us understand how our world is organised by imaginary lines including latitude and longitude. SCIENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAPHY We will be using maps and atlases to help us understand how our world is organised by imaginary lines including latitude and longitude. SCIENCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOGRAPHY We will be using maps and atlases to help us understand how our world is organised by imaginary lines including latitude and longitude. SCIENCE In science we will be investigating light and magnetic forces. I hope to include an afternoon where the children make torches, which parents will be invited to come along and help with. P.E This half term we are working with Nottingham Forest on Thursdays developing ball skills and on Tuesdays we will investigating core skills and yoga. FRENCH We have a weekly French session where we will be learning basic vocabulary. We will be learning songs, rhymes and using games to help us develop our skills. Zoom! Class 3 LITERACY This half term a lot of our literacy work will be focused on our topic. We will be writing our own recounts and poetry. There will also be regular reading and spelling sessions. MATHS Our maths work will cover the usual range of topics including problem solving, fractions, geometry and measure. We will also be regularly practising our times table and mental maths skills. R.E In R.E this term we are going to be looking at Diwali and Christianity. I am hoping to be able to arrange a visit to the local church to support this years on going work studying special places.

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