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Governor Elections 2018.

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1 Governor Elections 2018

2 About WWL Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Hospitals and Thomas Linacre Walk-in Centre Specialist centre for orthopaedics Income of £310m 680 beds 4670 staff in-patients and day case patients outpatients Emergency Department attendances Walk-in Centre attendances One of the top 3 hospitals in England for: Cleanliness Appearance and maintenance Patient food Staff engagement 2017 staff survey - for acute trusts

3 Regulatory information
Unannounced inspection Nov 2017 Report published March 2018

4 The Foundation Trust model
What is a Foundation Trust? More autonomy for those organisations with a track record of strong management Local accountability Regulated by NHS Improvement (formerly Monitor) Board of Directors Council of Governors

5 Who does what? Board of Directors Council of Governors
Strategic management Ultimate accountability Runs organisation Executive directors have responsibility for specific portfolios Non-executive directors offer challenge and scrutiny Unitary board Hold the non-executive directors to account for the performance of the board Represent the interests of members and the wider public Appoint non-executive directors (including the Chair) Approve appointment of Chief Executive Appoint external auditors Approve significant transactions

6 The Council of Governors
Partners and stakeholders All Other Staff Medical and Dental 7 appointed governors 5 staff governors Nursing and Midwifery Leigh Wigan 16 public governors Rest of England & Wales Makerfield

7 Commitments 4 formal Council meetings per year
1 Annual Public Meeting each year Photograph on website Also… Committees Groups Bi-annual lunches

8 2018 Vacancies: Public Constituencies
1 - Leigh 2 - Rest of E&W 1 - Makerfield 2 - Wigan

9 2018 Vacancies: Staff Constituency
1 – All other staff 1 – Medical & Dental 2 - Nursing and Midwifery

10 Becoming a governor Can only stand for election in own constituency
Must be a member of the foundation trust – check if unsure No other eligibility criteria per se but some circumstances where a person may not serve as a governor (see handout) Process Request nomination pack from ERS Complete in full and return to ERS (not WWL) by the deadline of : Monday, 6th Aug 2018. If contested, a ballot of the membership will be held. Term of office begins at end of the Annual Public Meeting on 20 September 2018

11 Uncontested elections
An election is uncontested if there are the same number or fewer valid nominations as the number of seats available. Example: Constituency A: 4 seats available 3 valid nominations received No election needed: 3 seats filled 1 seat vacant

12 7 valid nominations received
Contested elections An election is contested if there are more valid nominations than the number of seats available. Example: Constituency B: 4 seats available 7 valid nominations received Postal ballot held 4 elected 3 not elected

13 Completing your nomination pack
Take your time Think: what would make you want to vote for someone? why will you make a good governor? what would a relative or friend say about you? Don’t just list other positions – write for your audience Provide a photograph Check your spelling and grammar – everything will be reproduced exactly as you write it Check everything before submitting (especially word count) Top tips

14 Thanks for your interest!
Final thoughts Papers from previous Council of Governors’ meetings are available on our website. Queries? Please contact Stephen Hand: Thanks for your interest!

15 Further reading On search for “NHS foundation trust governor” Select NHS foundation trust governors and members: documents and guidance On search for “council of governors”

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