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Beyond Production with ISA95/B2MML

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1 Beyond Production with ISA95/B2MML
SP95 started with an exclusive focus on production, ignoring many side aspects of manufacturing. Maintenance and quality were roughly addressed at the resource level, warehouse operations weren't even mentioned. Part 3 ended up with an activity model template that the standard recommends applying to 4 domains: Production, Maintenance, Quality and Inventory. This overpasses part 1 scope and almost conflicts with its models. As ISA95 gains recognition we become confronted with actual implementation issues were "side" manufacturing activities and logistics represent a significant part of the cost and time involved in the final product, thus resource usage and business to manufacturing (execution) information flows. The presentation will show the use of the designed-for-flexibility ISA95 data models to cover the needs of structuring B2M interface for most types of shop floor activity. Jean Vieille conseil 20/07/2004

2 Presenter Experience Process control, Production/ERP integration, Finite capacity scheduling, MES, LIMS, historians. Industries: Pulp & paper, textile, wood, metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, electronics… Consulting with final users, solution providers, integrators and academics Technical awareness, volunteer organizations Member of ISA SP88 Batch Control Systems and SP95 Enterprise-Control System Integration, ISA District 12 Vice president ISA France section president, Member of APICS, World Batch Forum “Flow Analysis” WG chair, French Batch Forum founder

3 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

4 ISA95 start The story started from SP88
ISA88 had to reduce its wide initial scope SP95 started at ISA88 part one completion Initially focused on Process industry : SP88 members background) Production only : maintenance and quality not considered as specific activities Part 1 issued in 2000 Data models Part 2 issued in 2001 Adding attributes on part 1 models Part 1 and 2 should have been merged in IEC/ISO 62264, but have been kept separated for consistency with SP95 work B2MML first draft issued in 2000, V02 09/2003 compliant with part 1/2

5 ISA95 Part 3 spontaneous generation
What’s inside the manufacturing / execution domain was unclear Needed to define more clearly the MES / Control system fuzzy area Part 3 defined first a production operation management functional model Maintenance and quality appeared to be manufacturing operation categories (MOC) on their own, then inventory, then… Inbound logistics, Outbound logistics Internal transfers, Inventory checks Cleaning Tooling Cafeteria, Fire dpt, Infirmary…

6 Part 3 multi-MOC functional model
Level 2 Maintenance Production Quality Inventory X collection data execution resource management dispatching tracking performance Detailed production scheduling schedule Product definition analysis capability response Detailed maintenance request definitions Detailed inventory test resource Quality test Detailed quality test test data

7 ISA 95 Part 3 status Part 3 tri-dimensional model proposes
a generic model for executing any kind of “Work” applying to each manufacturing operation management category Implying shared functions between manufacturing operation categories Including shared supporting functions Part 3 is already remarkably adopted before being published A consistent framework for MES URS Draft 17 June 2004

8 ISA95 next items Part 4: data model extensions Not formally decided
Part 5: Transactions First draft available

9 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

10 Part 1/2 and B2MML no longer consistent, hardly relevant
Part 1/2 models are « production » flavoured They include maintenance activity as an appendix of equipment model Simplistic model Inconsistent with part 3 Part 1 / 2 not addressing actual integration needs Business / Execution integration needs go beyond production restricted information They do not handle other manufacturing operation categories Inventory

11 Part 3 acknowledge Part 1 data model extensions
Schedule/Request information Performance/Response information Production schedule Maintenance schedule Quality Test schedule Inventory schedule Production performance Maintenance response Quality test response Inventory response Manufacturing operations Production operations management Maintenance operations management Quality operations management Inventory operations management Product definition information Maintenance definition information Quality test definition information Inventory definition information Production capability Maintenance capability Quality Test capability Inventory capability Definition information Capability information

12 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

13 Tentative generic ISA95 data models
Part 1 / 2 models were developped by only considering production issue However, they are very flexible Resource models are generic be essence Firemen and operators just have different skills Any work is driven by schedule Taking care of exceptions (equipment breakdown, urgent order, fire in a fool reactor…) Any work has to follow rules and specific instructions and procedures Proceeding with an analysis, making a batch, sharpening a tool

14 Proposed part 1 revision
Define a generic data model Based on the current production related data model Providing a set of standard generic, MOC independent attributes Apply this model to the for manufacturing operation categories defined in part 3 as examples Production, Maintenance, Quality, Inventory Providing a set of standard MOC specific attributes Provide guidances for consistent and compliant usage of the models Join part 1 & 2 Each work element is MOC stamped MOCs can be potentially mixed: A work schedule may contain production, inventory, and quality process segments Align B2MML on this new ontology

15 Proposed generalized Terminology
Process = Process Product = Work Production = Working Material consummed = Material In Material produced = Material out

16 Resource models: unchanged
Personnel, Material, Equipment are essentially independent of the operation categories Maintenance wart on equipment model is deprecated Maintenance Request < May be made up of ◄ Is against 0..n 1..1 0..n Equipment Class Equipment 0..n May result in > 0..n 0..n Defined by < 0..1 1..1 0..n Maintenance Work Order Has properties of > Has values for > Is made against < 1..1 0..n May be generated for > 0..n 0..n Maintenance Response Equipment Class Property Equipment Property Maps to Is tested by a > 1..n 0..n Equipment Capability Test Result Equipment Capability Test Specification 0..n 0..n Records the execution of > Defines a procedure for obtaining a >

17 Process segment: unchanged
A type of consolidated resource Stays unchanged, implying modularized « processing requirement » for any kind of work 0..n 0..n has an execution dependency on May be made up of Process Segment 0..n Process Segment Dependency is a collection of 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Segment Specification Equipment Segment Specification Material Segment Specification Process Segment Parameter Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Segment SpecificationProperty Equipment Segment SpecificationProperty Material Segment SpecificationProperty 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1

18 Process segment capability: unchanged
Stays Process Segment Capability, implying modularized « processing capability » for any kind of work Process Segment Capability Process Segment Corresponds to Is a collection of 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Segment Capability Equipment Segment Capability Material Segment Capability Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Segment Capability Property Equipment Segment Capability Property Material Segment Capability Property 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1

19 Production Capability => Work Capability
Production changed by « Working » Production Capability Working Capability Is a collection of Is a collection of 1 1 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Capability Equipment Capability Material Capability Process Segment Capability Personnel Capability Equipment Capability Material Capability Process Segment Capability Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of Has properties of 1 1 1 1 1 1 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Capability Property Equipment Capability Property Material Capability Property Personnel Capability Property Equipment Capability Property Material Capability Property 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1 Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1

20 Product definition: clarification needed
Has a reference to > Has a reference to < Has a reference to > Bill of Resources (External) Product Production Rule (External) Bill of Material (External) Need of complex relationships with BOR, BOM, Product production rules to be challenged Product Definition Has associated > Has associated Has associated > Has associated > May be made up of 0..n 1..n Corresponds to 0..n 0..n Product Segment Process Segment Manufacturing Bill has an execution dependency on 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n 0..n 1..1 Product Segment Dependency Is a collection of 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n Product Parameter Personnel Specification Equipment Specification Material Specification 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Specification Property Equipment Specification Property Material Specification Property 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1

21 Becomes Work definition
Potential links with other business related entities as optionnal attributes BOM BOR PPR Manufacturing bill As they are in B2MML Or have a production definition derived from the generic Work definition model Has associated May be made up of 0..n 1..n Corresponds to Work Segment Process Segment has an execution dependency on 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n 0..n Work Segment Dependency Is a collection of 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Work Parameter Personnel Specification Equipment Specification Material Specification 0..n 0..n 0..n Personnel Specification Property Equipment Specification Property Material Specification Property 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in 0..n Corresponds to element in Personnel Model 1..1 Equipment Model 1..1 Material Model 1..1

22 Production schedule =>
Is made up of Product Production Rule 1..n Corresponds to a < Production Request Is made up of 1..n 0..n Process or Product Segment Corresponds to a < Segment Requirement Requested Segment Response May contain 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Production Parameter Personnel Requirement Equipment Requirement Material Produced Requirement Material Consumed Requirement Consumable Expected Is associated to either > Note: the current single link between Production Request and Product Production Rules seems wrong. It should be « Product Definition » at least (PPR may be an additional link) 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n Personnel Requirement Property Equipment Requirement Property Material Produced Requirement Property Material Consumed Requirement Property Consumable Expected Property Product Parameter Process Parameter Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Personnel Model Equipment Model Material Model

23 …=> Work Schedule Working Schedule Work Definition Working Request
Is made up of 1..n Work Definition Corresponds to a < Working Request Is made up of 1..n 0..n Process or Work Segment Corresponds to a < Segment Requirement Requested Segment Response May contain 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Working Parameter Personnel Requirement Equipment Requirement Material Produced Requirement Material Consumed Requirement Consumable Expected Is associated to either > 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n Personnel Requirement Property Equipment Requirement Property Material Out Requirement Property Material In Requirement Property Consumable Expected Property Work Parameter Process Parameter Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Personnel Model Equipment Model Material Model

24 Production Performance =>
Is made up of 1..n Production Response Is made up of 1..n Process Segment Corresponds to a < Segment Response May contain 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Production Data Personnel Actual Equipment Actual Material Produced Actual Material Consumed Actual Consumable Actual 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n Personnel Actual Property Equipment Actual Property Material Produced Actual Property Material Consumed Actual Property Consumable Actual Property Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Personnel Model Equipment Model Material Model

25 …=> Work Performance
Working Performance Is made up of 1..n Working Response Is made up of 1..n Process Segment Corresponds to a < Segment Response May contain 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n 0..n Working Data Personnel Actual Equipment Actual Material Produced Actual Material Consumed Actual Consumable Actual 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n Personnel Actual Property Equipment Actual Property Material Out Actual Property Material In Actual Property Consumable Actual Property Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Corresponds to element in Personnel Model Equipment Model Material Model

26 Model Instanciation The models apply as is for any MOC
However, attributes depend on: MOC specifics Production, inventory, quality, maintenance Transaction specifics Intermediate or final reporting Industry specifics (i.e Food & Beverage) Expiration date applies for perishable goods Solution specifics (i.e. SAP) ReverseTransaction User specifics (i.e. P&G, Nestlé…) GTIN

27 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

28 Align material resource specification and usage
Material in / out and material consummed for Process segment Process segment capability Working capability Work definition / Work segment As it is in Production schedule Production performance Personnel Requirement Equipment Material Produced May contain 0..n 1..n Production Schedule Consumed Consumable Expected Segment Is made up of Parameter Request Personnel Segment Capability Equipment Material Process Segment Capability Is a collection of 0..n

29 Process / product / Production segment recursivity
Process segment capability in Working capability and process segment capability Segment requirement in production schedule (OK In B2MML) Segment response in production performance (OK In B2MML) Production Capability Production Request Production Response 0..n 0..n 0..n 1..n 1..n Process Segment Product Segment Process Segment Capability Process Segment Capability Segment Requirement Segment Response 0..n 0..n

30 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

31 B2MML B2MML schemas will be easily aligned to the generalized ISA95 part 1 models Extension mechanisms must be improved / complemented Properties User defined extensions in separate files/namespaces They shall provide a basic set of generic referenced schemas a serie of standard/custom extensions schemas for MOC / Transactions / Industry / Solution / User specifics A template for generating schemas instances

32 B2MML Example: WorkSchedule

33 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

34 Example: Work schedule for transfer orders
Simplifed Working schedule Working Schedule Is made up of 1..n Working Request Is made up of 1..n Segment Requirement May contain 0..n 0..n Material In Requirement Material Out Requirement

35 Example: transfer order
Dispatch production run ## Transfer Schedule Transfer Request 2nd lading mission 1st lading mission Segment Requirement Segment Requirement Personnel Requirement Equipment Requirement Items a, b, c (loc X1) item a (QC area) Items b, c (loc Y1) 99Kg Mat A (LocY2) 1Kg scrap 100kg Mat A (loc X1) Material In Requirement Material Out Requirement Material In Requirement Material Out Requirement

36 Transfer transaction examples (from Nestlé)
Transfer schedule: Storage location to Storage location Transfer performance: Storage location to Storage location (sollicited) Confirm transfer Cancel transfer Storage location to Storage location (unsollicited) Inbound receipt Sublot transfer Plant to Plant Batch to Batch Material status change

37 Agenda ISA95 history status and future ISA95 dicrepancies
Tentative generic ISA95 data models Other ISA95 issues B2MML Application to inventory operations Conclusion

38 7. Conclusion MOC part 3 concept shall be introduced in part 1
High priority item May delay part 4 and 5 Part 1 data models can be (very) easily generalized to allow their application to any MOC They need some improvements based on B2MML development and implementation feedback Generalized needs from MOC instantiation Next B2MML release candidate Can implement and validate modified generic models Can be developed on the spot – Drafts already available

39 Thank You

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