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THE BEST DEFENSE CAN BE A GREAT OFFENSE AND SAVE THE EXPENSE OF TRIAL: Develop your game plan now for early disposition as a result of pre-trial motions.

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Presentation on theme: "THE BEST DEFENSE CAN BE A GREAT OFFENSE AND SAVE THE EXPENSE OF TRIAL: Develop your game plan now for early disposition as a result of pre-trial motions."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE BEST DEFENSE CAN BE A GREAT OFFENSE AND SAVE THE EXPENSE OF TRIAL: Develop your game plan now for early disposition as a result of pre-trial motions and mediation during litigation, or patent aggregation and licensing prior to litigation 2016 Patent Disputes Forum April 14, 2016 Jeff Joyner Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP Moderator Stephen McGrath Senior Corporate Counsel, Patent & Intellectual Property Litigation, T-Mobile Jeff Kichaven Jeff Kichaven Commercial Mediation Panelists Lisa Buccino Director, Global Litigation, SAP SE Craig Davis   Senior Litigation Counsel, Global Legal Affairs, HP Inc.   Meg Kammerud Of Counsel, Steptoe & Johnson LLP

2 Agenda Ways in which parties can avoid and resolve patent disputes without resorting to litigation or early during litigation Pre-trial Motions Mediation Patent Aggregation and Licensing

3 PRE-TRIAL MOTIONS 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss IPR Motion to Transfer
Benefits - Early Disclosure of Parties’ Positions (e.g., Claim Construction), Invalidate patent(s) Disadvantages - Credibility with Court, Court’s Delayed Decision IPR Benefits - Likelihood of Success, Staying District Court Case, PTAB Decides Invalidity (e.g. Anticipation, Obviousness) Disadvantages - Estoppel Effect, Expense Motion to Transfer Benefits – Early Disposition by Transferee Court Disadvantages – Expedited/Early Discovery of Corporate Defendant Information

How well-developed does a case need to be? Can and should in-house counsel exchange numbers first (e.g. before engaging outside counsel)? What are other prior indicia of success (e.g., in-house/outside strategy aligned)? HOW BEST TO PREPARE How can you prevent ambush? What should be exchanged in writing? What else should you do (e.g., Telephone Calls With the Mediator, "Pre"-Mediation Mini- Caucuses)? WHAT CAN AND SHOULD HAPPEN ON MEDIATION DAY? Establishing Rapport Exchanging Information (e.g., Opening Joint Session, Initial Caucus) Bargaining

Is it ever too late to acquire patents or transact your way out of a dispute? Is transacting a less expensive and faster way to dispute resolution than litigation? Do transaction and litigation strategies work hand in hand? Several examples: Membership Model Crowd Sourcing Licensing/Indemnification/Partnerships

Membership Model (e.g., RPX) Benefits – resolves certain types of disputes Disadvantages – cases might have been resolved without membership Crowd Sourcing (e.g., Unified Patents) Benefits – reduce potential risk without estoppel risk Disadvantages – choosing the correct patents, conflicts Licensing/Indemnification/Partnerships Benefits – pre-litigation license, patent pools, customer agreement (e.g., IP indemnification) Disadvantages – standards “essential” patents

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