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Economic Systems Just the facts.

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1 Economic Systems Just the facts

2 Economic Systems - Foundations
Continuity from Paleolithic times Many peoples remain pastoralists and nomads Barter system remains Changes Most labor is agricultural labor Silk Roads begin as well as other long distance trade routes Specialization of labor begins First coins minted Most slaves are prisoners of war or debtors Coerced/corvee labor used by governments as tax labor to build irrigation projects, walls, etc


4 Economic Systems – 600-1450 Continuities Most laborers are farmers
Coerced/corvee labor as a tax continues Individual craftsmen make most products Silk Roads re-open under Mongols Changes Trans-Saharan slave trade blooms, Zanj slaves grow sugar in Arab Empire Serfdom becomes common in feudal areas Guilds established Indian Ocean is the center of luxury trade routes


6 Economic Systems – 1450-1750 Continuities
Luxury goods often traded long distance Slavery grows to greatest extent with addition of Americas to global trade system Farming remains most common economic activity Changes Center of global trade moves from Indian Ocean to Atlantic Ocean (Triangle Trade) Cash crops (because of slavery) become a main source of economic activity Mercantilism develops while feudalism and serfdom decline


8 Economic Systems – 1750-1900 Continuities
Slavery continues in first half of period Coerced/corvee labor continues but lessoning Agriculture still the major economic activity Change Wage labor becomes prominent with industrialization Child labor becomes common Semi-skilled factory labor replaces skilled artisans Factory system replaces putting-out system Slavery ends at end of period Serfdom ends in last stronghold of Russia Capitalism, imperialism and economic imperialism replace mercantilism Cash crop economies in developing regions


10 Economic Systems - 1900 to Present
Continuities Billions are still agricultural laborers Factory system and child labor (shifts to developing nations) Women paid less than men for equal work Changes Imperialism ends Capitalism triumphs over communist command economies Less than 50% of population are agricultural laborers Global economy emerges Information age replaces industrial age


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