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Oct 19-23, 15 Entry Task.

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1 Oct 19-23, 15 Entry Task

2 MOnday.10-19, 2015- Place science journals on back table after completing vocab.
Entry Task:- What is the hardest part of using the triple beam balance? Task:- Students will continue with the measurements and plant lab as they investigate the scientific method. Learning Target:-I will be able to successful design a skate park. Success Criteria: Successfully create a skate park Homework:- Explore Tinkercad at home and set up an account for use in class tomorrow. What is a biome? A large geographic area that have similar climates and ecosystems. What is an ecosystem? A community interacting with abiotic parts.

3 Tuesday.10-20, 2015- Place science journals on back table after completing vocab.
Entry Task:- what was the most challenging part of designing your skate park? Task:- Students will continue with the measurements and plant lab as they investigate the scientific method. Learning Target:-I will be able to successful design a skate park. Success Criteria: Successfully create a skate park Homework:- Explore Tinkercad at home. What is a biome? A large geographic area that have similar climates and ecosystems. What is an ecosystem? A community interacting with abiotic parts.

4 WEdnesday.10-20, 2015- Place science journals on back table after completing vocab.
Entry Task:- What did you enjoy the most about using Tinkercad? Task:- Students will continue with the measurements and plant lab as they investigate the scientific method. Learning Target:-I will be able to successful design a skate park. Success Criteria: Successfully create a skate park Homework:-finish up your notes from the SWIFT PPT. What is a biome? A large geographic area that have similar climates and ecosystems. What is an ecosystem? A community interacting with abiotic parts.

5 Thursday.10-22, 2015- Place science journals on back table after completing vocab.
Entry Task:- What is most challenging about designing a skate park? Task:- Students will continue with the measurements as they investigate designing their skate park. Learning Target:-I will be able to successful design a skate park. Success Criteria: Successfully create a skate park Homework:-finish up your notes from the SWIFT PPT. What is a biome? A large geographic area that have similar climates and ecosystems. What is an ecosystem? A community interacting with abiotic parts.

6 Friday.10-23, 2015- Place science journals on back table after completing vocab.
Entry Task:- What do you think will be most challenging about building a skate park? Task:- Students will continue with the measurements as they investigate designing their skate park. Learning Target:-I will be able to successful design a skate park. Success Criteria: Successfully create a skate park Homework:-finish up your notes from the SWIFT PPT. What is a biome? A large geographic area that have similar climates and ecosystems. What is an ecosystem? A community interacting with abiotic parts.

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