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Transnational project meetings

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1 Transnational project meetings
Culture and History without Borders: Success in Diversity, Diversity in Success CZ01-KA Transnational project meetings Jana Anděl Valečková ZŠ Přimda This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 We organized 3 transnational project meetings
1st meeting: Salerno (Italy), 26th – 28th October 2015 2nd meeting: Zubrohlava (Slovakia), 3rd – 5th October 2016 3rd meeting: Přimda (Czech Republic), 10th September 2017

3 1st meeting - Salerno We all met together for the first time and created our project‘s team We decided who will be responsible for each part of our Project‘s chronicle: Project‘s diary – Czech group Cookbook – Italian group Dictionary – Polish group Songbook – Slovak group Book of legends – Turkish group We planned the activities for the first year of our project We learnt how to upload the outputs in TwinSpace

4 Opening ceremony in the city hall
Working meeting at school

5 2nd meeting - Zubrohlava
We evaluated the first year of the project We worked in our TwinSpace We planned the activities for the second year of our project We had to solve the problem with the coming mobility in Turkey – we had to change the place of the mobility due to the complicated international situation and situation in Turkey

6 Working meeting

7 3rd meeting - Přimda We evaluated the second year of the project and the whole project We finished the project outputs We talked about the final report and Mobility Tool+ We prepared the documents and other files which have to be uploaded on the European Commission‘s website

8 Working meeting at school
Erasmus+ dolls Vašík and Filip took part in our meeting – we celebrated the 30th anniversary of Erasmus together Trip to Pilsen – we visited the Historical underground and the brewery

9 Thank you for your attention!

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