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Thinking Blocks Investigation & Testimonial

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1 Thinking Blocks Investigation & Testimonial
Using tape diagrams to help understand ratio and proportion problems.


3 Make Sure You Can Open The App http://www. mathplayground

4 Thinking Blocks Assignment
You will complete 2 of each of the 7 Practice Sets in Ratio and Proportion Practice When all 14 are done, click View Progress to prove you have completed 2 in each area.

5 Each Set should have two stars each
Each Set should have two stars each. Save a screen shot of this and then upload it into the Show Work Section of the MLP Quiz -Thinking Blocks Notice, I have only completed one in Set 1, 2, 3 and 5. I still have to do one in each of those as well as 2 in the other Sets.

6 Having Problems? Watch the Video Tutorials
Each Set has a video describing how to use the tool.

7 Testimonial: Write a brief description of the interactive to your colleagues and administrators that would convince them that this interactive is worthy of being included in the curriculum. Letter should be no more than one page (no one has time to read more than that if they are teaching) and include a list of bullet pointed uses for the interactive.

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