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PSD Reform Recommendations

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1 PSD Reform Recommendations
PSD Reform Initiative Workgroup WESTAR Spring 2005 Business Meeting

2 Project Goals To recommend changes to the PSD program that will:
manage and protect increments and AQRVs as resources eliminate disincentives discouraging states from addressing cumulative impacts on Class I and Class II areas

3 Participants 47 representatives from states, FLM agencies, and EPA participated in the initiative Facilitation provided through a contract with Ross & Associates beginning mid-2004

4 Key Process Steps Existing framework/new framework
First , address existing framework Scope of work for “New framework” recommendations to be discussed next Clarify consultation role of EPA Designated representative from each agency

5 Results Consensus on 14 recommendations
To improve program’s effectiveness to manage increments and AQRVs To eliminate disincentives to conduct cumulative assessments

6 Next Steps Executive Session Discussion
Endorse recommendations or direct workgroup to address remaining issues Consider delivering recommendations: Directly to EPA To STAPPA for concurrence before delivering to EPA Other options

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